The sauna heater stones quality is not monitored, but according to studies, the specific risk to the rocks is unlikely to exist. Old and crumbly heater stone is no longer safe.The sauna stones should not be crumbly or rusty.Shop sauna heater stones are usually of a quality at least safe enough, even if there isn’t an official quality classification.People with allergies or asthma sufferers don’t need the heater stones for fear of stay in the sauna, because the sauna makes them generally only good.Video by sauna experts will tell you the most memorable sauna memory.

neighborhood council Timo Korkeaoja warns the Finnish sauna club member in the journal of the wrong kind of sauna heater stones producers of impure löylyilmasta.

Korkeaoja, sauna heater stones the impurities can cause take a sauna the day after even the head of kivistystä and difficulty breathing.

Korkeaoja recommends the sauna stones for your so-called madekivi. Madekivi is close to cross-develop-syväkivi, which does not easily erode, i.e. crumble.

the evening paper for Korkeaoja tell the heater stone information based on traditional knowledge.

Quality good enough

director Niki the Netherlands Allergy, skin and asthma association reported that the association has last year 2010 was particularly active the sauna stones are the health effects of and risks.

At that time, the sauna heater rocks was obtained information about the Geology research center.

with That information it would seem that the Finnish available-for-sale sauna heater rocks for no special health risk.

Store-bought sauna heater stones are likely to be of a quality at least good enough.

However, it so happens that the sauna stones. is not an official quality classification, and their quality control, not to mention the fact that there is the sauna stones directive.

the Store you purchased the stove stones packs often are told what the stone holds.

go to the sauna in the sauna stones for more significant health risk may lie in the sauna of behavior. KARI valley sauna asthma medication less

the Netherlands recalls that sauna bathing makes usually only good for people with allergies or asthma sufferers.

– the best of breath you in the sauna is it’s the humidity. Specific humidity of the sauna will do good, not dry.

the Farm gets the same good by spending in the tub for 15-20 minutes.

– Asthmatic can get a sauna as significant health effects, that he can even hard of a sauna, thanks to leave off his medication, the Netherlands said.

– We would like although the certified sauna health effects, the Netherlands with a laugh.

sauna heater stones have been applied for allergy friendliness.

there is no Such however, none of the sauna sauna heater stone company received, because the display of certain types of sauna heater stones beneficent, or any other stone otherwise healthier effect is missing.

crumbs of reason to change

sauna heater stones the condition is good to check once a year.

– peek of the sauna heater stones under the stove in the pot: if there appears in the stone crumbs, it is time to replace the heater stones new, blink geology Markku Tiainen the Geological survey department.

If someone wants to collect from the wild stones of the sauna heater, Titmouse advise to avoid at least one of stones, which have noticeable rust or fibrous structure.

Also easier to crumble the villa impressive natural stone worth kiuaskivinä to avoid.