“The municipal bathing was the black building — in 55 years”

“the bathing area, with associated camping and båtbryggor in Tyrislöt has been granted planning permission by the municipality – 55 years after to the municipality themselves made it.”

“the bathing area, which has existed for 55 years has been a black building just as long and it is now something that the municipality is attempting to correct — to give themselves a building permit.”

“– Had it been we who built a bridge without a building permit so we had been fined and had to demolish it, ” says one of the badplatsens neighbors to the NT.”

“Why it never sought permits for the operations in Tyrislöt seems no one at the municipality told”

“– You have well believed that there existed a building permit. Now it was revealed here because it is an ongoing work with Tyrislöt, including a sale of the camping, ” says Magnus Sandberg, land managers in the municipality.”

“Read the whole article – the bathing area was a black building – in 55 years”