The so-called “comfort route” on the lake Filippo people Eggers (FDP) was the flagship project, as this is still the civil engineering Department of the Board of management. With the change of management, and Richard Wolff (AL) as the new chief of the project has been died now, or “suspended,” as Wolff say at today’s annual media conference of the cleaners and maintenance. The “comfort route,” provided for a Bicycle trail between Bellevue and Badi Utoquai. 26 trees and hedges would need to be felled, and the Bicycle trail would have been led by the Restaurant “pumping station” through it. The project had been criticised in the past in the district, not least because it would have led to a tree felling action to the promenade Utoquai on lake Zurich.

According to Wolff, is now “verified reliable” with the Canton, whether there was a car track from Utoquai/bellerivestrasse as Velospur used. He stressed at the media conference that it was this variant is now “under investigation” and it is still in the Testing phase. That this variant is a political issue, Wolff is aware of. Because of the redesign of the six-ringing place SVP and FDP 2012 taken by the authorities of the referendum, because the project is a car track fell victim to. The people said to the credit template.

support in the municipal Council

Wolff can be demanded on a Motion of the green-liberal support, which, on the Bellerive street between the train station, a car lane for bikes fountain to Bellevue is to be repealed. The initiative has been transferred from the Zurich municipal Council to the city Council. Two of the four car lanes would be assigned to fix a direction of Travel, the medium would be used, according to the time of day for the car traffic in the city or out of town. Led car lights by means of exchange of signals and Ground. (Tages-Anzeiger)

Created: 18.12.2018, 13:58 PM