One of the things that many find most annoying on a flight, when the passenger behind with the hammers knæskallerne up on one’s airplane seat.

And when your back really being assaulted by knæskaller (or feet), it is often because it is a child who has difficulty sitting still, sitting in the back.

Although patience can be a bit bigger, when it is a child who is behind, so it can also make the problem a whole lot harder to deal with, you must apply directly to the child or to the child’s parents? And one should point out the apologetic, or can you afford to be cash and demanding?

It is immediately difficult for many travelers to find the golden middle ground. It can see, when you read a so-called Quora thread, where users debates this particular topic and at the same time tells how they have chosen to solve the problem.

It writes the Daily Mail.

A user by the name of Bill Jones tells in the thread about a plane, where he sat in front of a small boy who was to kick up between Bill Jones and his sidemakkers seat.

‘I was really annoyed, so eventually I put my arm so that I could grab hold of his shoes, the next time he kicked off’, writes the traveler and continues:

‘It worked immediately, and I held his foot firmly in the maybe five-ten seconds, which was just long enough that his mother found out what he was doing’.

another user took a somewhat more dramatic method in use on a flight from Asia to Europe, where he sat in front of a uopdragent child.

’the Boy behind me thought that the touch screen the back of my airplane seat was a boksepude, so I got a small glass of water with just a little bit of water in, and so I waited that he would be banging hard on my seat again, and so I threw the contents of my cup up and backwards, before I leaned back and said: Hey, I’m sorry. I just get so quickly startled when I fly’, writes a user by the name of Kev Partridge, and points out that the boy not beat in the seat again.

A third user tells her husband, however, chose the brutal and verbal method, since a child was to kick in his airplane seat.

‘The little shit-young, who sat behind my husband, kicking, completely crazy at my husband’s seat, and the thing that got him to turn on completely, was that the child’s mother was sitting right next to and saw what her brat had going in, but did nothing to stop it’, writes Carmen Blakestad and continues:

‘When the mother got up to go to the toilet, so my husband his chance and turned, and used his meanest face and said: If you kick my seat again, so I shall kill you’.

’the Child was absolutely still and white in the face and sat quiet for the rest of the flight’.

Several other user says that they have used more modest solutions, such as ask the kid nicely to sit quietly or even pay other passengers to swap out the seat, while a single user has threatened the child to beat his father, if the boy is not stopped with that kick in the seat.

the Daily Mail has asked an expert about what to do in this kind of situations, and – according to her – is it certainly not requirements, scolding or threats of violence or similar.

– If a child continues to kick in the seat, you should certainly not do anything that will enrage the parent up, because it can make the situation worse, says Elizabeth O’shea, who is behind the website of the ‘Parent 4 Success’, and continues:

– The best thing you can do is, to go down to the row where the child is sitting, you put on the knees and in a polite tone say: ‘Hey, friend. Will you do me a favor and keep your legs under the seat? Thank you very much’.

– On the way works you rar and is not rude and when you say thank you, so is the chance that the child hears the following, larger.

the Expert points out, furthermore, that parents should prepare their children to sit properly before they go on board on the plane.

– They should talk to them about what kind of behavior that is acceptable on the plane such as talking in a quiet tone of voice and to keep your feet on the floor or under the seat.

Have you experienced a flight where you were irritated because there was a child behind you and kicking your airplane seat? And what did you do in the situation? Join in the poll below and drop a comment in the box at the bottom of the article.