“No one should be forced to be homeless in Sweden,”

“the Conservatives: It’s not about generosity, but about decency.”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. Sweden is a fantastic country that should give everyone the opportunity to grow based on their own ability. Collectively, we contribute to a safe and welfare with a strong social safety net. For those who suffer from social vulnerability and homelessness, the public offer help and support. Civil society also makes great efforts. “

“But in spite of this grows the emergency of homelessness and the number of children who become homeless when their parents evicted increases. It is very serious.”

“the National mapping of homelessness from 2017 showed that more than 33 000 people lived in various forms of homelessness. Nearly 6 000 lived in acute homelessness – these people sleep outdoors, in tents and tunnels or shelters. Compared with 2011, the number of emergency homeless increased by 400 persons.”

“the Mapping also showed that the number of parents in the acute homelessness 2017 had increased by almost 60%. Total was just over one-third of all persons in homelessness parents. All in all, it meant that at least 24 000 children had one or more homeless parents in 2017, the years of mapping. “

“Nothing indicates that this situation has changed in any significant way in 2018.”

“There are no easy answers on how society should combat homelessness. Often homelessness is a result of several reasons. More than half of those who are homeless have substance abuse problems or clear mental health problems. About a quarter of the people have both problems. For one-third of homeless women are victims of violence in close relationships the main reason for their acute homelessness.”

“No one should be forced to be homeless in Sweden. Therefore, we want to implement reforms that strengthen the welfare and ensures that the social safety net catches those who need help and support. We suggest the following:”

“Homelessness is a problem year round, but is particularly felt during the decembers dark and cold days. To prevent homelessness is not about generosity, but about decency. This work must continue every day of the year.”

“nCamilla Waltersson Grönvall, social policy spokesperson (M)nKristina Axén Olin, mp (M)”

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