(Obi.en): Hotellkonge Petter Stordalen has many iron in the fire. One of them is his new publishing houses.

– You have many books on the charts of the day. What will you read in the christmas season?

– There are several. Both Eystein, Hanssen, Jørn Lier Horst, Tom Egeland (eds.anm.: all are authors which is published by Petter Stordalens Capitana Publishing house). I have several books I should read, so I will surely not through all. Also I have some new. I run and think about whether I should come up with a new book even, ” says Stordalen.

Stordalen comes with new book

– I have gone svanger with an idea for quite a long time, which I think is very exciting, ” says Stordalen.

He says that the new book will be written by a different author than the Jonas Forsang, which helped the Stordalen with his first book.

The last book has you sold 190 000 copies of. It is phenomenal, ” says Trygve Hegnar, and continues;

– And She has written a book that sells quite well. Nevertheless, if you come with your new book?

– Last book came in 2015, ” says Stordalen, and continues;

– But it is important to bring up here – is the publishing industry. I said initially that we were going to lose money for at least three years, but now I do not think that we are going to do it. It is due to the fact that we have many good writers. We are now the third largest forlagshuset in Norway, if you look at the bestselgerlista. It is nothing other than superoverraskende. Even for us as owners, ” says an enthusiastic Stordalen.

– Because you have the best kriminalforfatterne in Norway, ” says Obi.

Among other things. But kriminalforfattere and dameromaner is important. If you look at the publishing industry today so has probably been spared for – or let me say it like that, it has not been too much innovation. We have said we will create an alternative publishing houses, which will focus on the relatively few authors, but we will give everything for those few authors. Show kal have the best and largest redaktørkapasiteten behind every author, but we shall have the highest turnover, ” says Stordalen.

Pays well

So rapper you employees from Kagge and No, shoot the Obi.

– We rapper no. They go to the us. They go from nothing, they go to something. You have lost any employees you also, that’s the way it, kontrer Stordalen.

– Yes, yes, answer the Obi and laughs.

We have had several of the most outstanding editors in Norway, and it is clear that it is good to go to the us. It is exciting, it is new, we have some new thoughts – and so of course, we pay well.

But Peter, what will your new book be about, ask the program leader.

I can’t reveal it here, ” says Petter Stordalen.

– Yes, it is clear you can. That is why you are here.

More valuable to read

I would love to write a book that talks a little bit about a lot of what I have experienced – both in relation to business and private. Which I think is going to be very exciting, reveals Petter Stordalen, and continues;

I am absolutely convinced that it is not going to sell just as much as the first, but think many of those who read it are going to feel that it is much more valuable to read than the first.

– It’s not like love and how to be happy, ask Trygve Hegnar.

– No, it is not, says Petter, and adds:

The book you can write.

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