Danish Louisa Vesterager Jespersen on 24 years old and 28-year-old Maren Ueland from Norway, was a fellow student at the University of Sørøst-Norge in Bø outdoor recreation, culture and naturveiledningslinjen and was raised on a month-long private holiday to Morocco.

But a hike in the Atlas mountains was fatal for the naturglade women.

The two young women were backpackers and were found dead in a popular hiking area not far from the village of Imlil. They had, according to the ministry of interior in Morocco, signs of violence on the neck caused by a sharp tool.

Shortly after wrote louisa’s mother, Helle Jespersen, on Facebook:

‘Rise never to marocco. They have slaughtered my daughter Louisa Vesterager Jespersen and her friend who with harsh objects. So christmas is on the characters’.

To B. T. tells her mother that two Danish police officers knocked on the door in Grindsted, where they live, Monday night, and told them the terrible message.

Before then she had been sitting together with her three children and saw the advent calendar, where the son had received a message from one of louisa’s acquaintances, who had heard that a Danish and Norwegian woman had been killed in Morocco. The friend said, however, that there was, that the relatives were informed.

Ten minutes after the bell rang on the front door.

Suddenly the bell rang on the front door, and when I went out and saw that there were two cops, I knew what had happened. I broke down and was quite the tears. It is hard, that she has been cut the neck up, and you do not know whether she has suffered, says Helle Jespersen for B. T.

the 28-year-old Maren Uelands mother, Irene Ueland, heard the last from his daughter 9. december, since her daughter had come to Morocco. Here she wrote, that all was well, but that her phone would not be so much on in the coming time.

Irene Ueland describes over for NRK to his daughter as a warm, friluftsglad and engaged daughter.

– She was so incredibly good. Her first thought was safety. The girls had taken all the precautions before they set off on this journey, says Irene Ueland.

Local sources tell to the Norwegian newspaper VG that the women arrived to the village on Sunday.

the Rector of the university, where the women were students, expresses in a press release deep grief over the loss of Louisa and Maren.

– We have today received the horrible message that the two USN-students at campus Bø is killed in Morocco. What we know so far, is that they were on a month-long private holiday in Morocco. Mind now goes to the girls ‘ families, they write in the press release.

Here it appears also, that there will be held a ceremony of remembrance on campus in the new year.