There was always something completely private in the days before the big day. It was the smells, it was the mood, it was the little secrets and there was a constant tingling in the stomach. Soon it was christmas.

It tingles even in the stomach, though in a slightly different way. For the christmas season is the children’s festival. Right now children around the country, with butterflies in my stomach because they look forward to the christmas holidays, good food and, not least, gifts. But not all of them. For thousands of children are butterflies in my stomach replaced with a lump. For them is the joy replaced with dread for christmas.

It is now over one hundred thousand children who grow up in poor families here in the country. Children who do not get the great juletida and the good memories, because the families cannot afford to celebrate christmas. The crowns you have, must cover the fixed expenses, and there is no money left for either the gifts or the rib.

We can’t find ourselves in that people need to take out a loan to hang in the christmas shopping Debate

Barnefattigdommen has increased significantly since 2013, from about 8 percent to over 10 percent now. Every tenth child grows up in poverty in Norway today.

But Norway anno 2018 is not poorer than before. On the contrary. As a society we have the wealth enough to ensure that all children have a good childhood and good christmas memories. Therefore, it is also so bloody unfair. Children who dread to the christmas is all about fordelingspolitikk.

Høyreregjeringen cuts in welfare for those with the least and the sick, who pleiepengeordningen, barnetillegget disabled or increased the maximum price for the kindergartens. At the same time provides Erna Solberg major gifts to the economic elite. Those who earn over 10 million receive a hundred times as much in tax cuts as the lavtlønte.

We have both received record-high child poverty and 108 new billionaires during Erna’s government.

the Right has the last time tried to blame on immigration as the reason for the increasing barnefattigdommen. Then it is strange that the poverty increase among so-called ethnic Norwegian children. For A player that no matter where his parents are from, all children should have a nice feast.

SW has fought close said alone for a number of years to increase family benefits, which has been silent for 22 years now. Therefore, it is gratifying that the Sector has negotiated an increase in family benefits in next year’s budget.

The greater is the disappointment when the nearly fifty thousand children, who may need it the most, not receive the increased allowance. This will not give any christmas gift to the children of the poorest families in the year.

50 000 children miss out on increased child benefit

most municipalities expect namely child benefit as income on the measurement of social welfare, and, therefore, are drawn family benefits from sosialhjelpa for these families. In addition, increases the government maksprisene for pre-schools so much that it eats up the increased allowance for the rest of the families with kids in kindergarten. With this policy, is it not easier for the families with the bad advice to make the tough decisions now, in advance of the christmas season, on the contrary.

A will that all children be joy for christmas. It is possible, but when needed it is a fair fordelingspolitikk. Barnetrygda must be increased sharply and the need to reach all. The law must be changed so that municipalities can draw it from the sosialhjelpa.

We need to make sure that the big money goes to those small, not to those with already large wallets. The christmas season is really just about solidarity and community, that all people have equal value and deserve equal opportunities. A will it to kime to the christmas party for the many, and not to skattelettefest a few.