“The children are the losers when M and KD saves”

“Debater: To cut down on the children – and youth culture is unacceptable.”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. 100 million to be saved on the children and young people’s cultural hobbies. The conservatives argue that the government funding has not reached the right audience and are now going away. “

“Kulturskolerådet mean that the underlying analysis is incorrect and gives a skewed picture of the reality behind the cuts in the budget from the Conservatives and the Christian democrats.”

“Over 200 municipalities via the state money invested in reaching new audiences and expanding the business. Only in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö, sweden has over four thousand elevplatser created in vulnerable areas. “

“It is unacceptable that children and young people are disadvantaged when the government funding be re-prioritized.”

“On 12 december voted by parliament through the M’s and KD’s common budgetreservation for 2019. In the field of culture, it means a reduction of 200 million. The largest share, 100 million, made on the children and young people’s cultural hobbies in the school of the arts.”

“Kulturskolerådet mean that the Conservatives will give a skewed picture of reality. The grant has been in place since 2016. Close to 100 million annually, allocated to 200 municipalities. The purpose of the grant is to make the school of the arts more equal, improve the opportunities for young people to participate in the activities and contribute to the low elevavgifter.”

“the Grant will broaden the participation. According to the national council for cultural affairs, which manages the grant, the money has primarily gone to to reach target audiences which previously have not participated in the culture school activities, such as children with disabilities and newcomers. Many municipalities have also started new partnerships with organisations like youth clubs and libraries but also with civil society in order to reach new target groups and develop activities.”

“The state money has mainly been used to widen participation and reach new groups. Through the new range, the new interaction agents and practices have thousands of young people had the opportunity to participate in a cultural hobbies with professional educators, sometimes through free-of-charge activities.”

“How priority children and young people the best? According to Sweden’s national cultural policy is children and young people priority. Lotta Finstorp (M) mean that M has done a sterling work on the budget by analyzing how the money priority the best. The conclusion is that it is precisely children and young people. How a cut of 100 million on the school of the arts can be to give priority to children and young people is incomprehensible to us.”

“the Cut is built on a poor analysis that affects children and young people. We Kulturskolerådet are deeply concerned. “

“The national cultural policy is facing an important crossroads: should children and young people to be the big loser when the money should be re-prioritized? “

“the Children are our future. We know that cultural hobbies is a strong and positive force. This strengthens the formation, the ability to put words and thoughts on the feelings and the creativity and skills that will be a help on life’s winding road. “

“We appeal – let children and young people to be the priority target audience we promised them to be!”

“nInger Carlonberg, Kulturskolerådets of the president”

“n Join in the debate and comment on the artikelnn – like Aftonbladet Debate on Facebook.”

“Kulturskolerådet is a non-profit, non-partisan and trade union independent association in which the municipalities collaborate for an accessible and high-quality kulturskoleverksamhet. Our vision is that all children and young people have equal access to development opportunities through the cultural hobbies in the business of high quality and availability.”