From St. Pölten to Beijing, from New York back to Wiener Neustadt: In the first year of his term of office has boots Austria’s Chancellor, Sebastian Kurz, his country and the world in seven miles. Just to the anniversary of the swearing-in on may 18. That December, he staged in Vienna at an EU-Africa summit as the world’s Savior. The young head of the government has made a vortex, and a lot of attention enjoyed. As a fresh force, he is beyond the borders of his country, for a conservative awakening. The most interesting Experiment of this book, however, is not only on the big stages instead, but behind-the-Scenes: As it comes to dealing with the right-wing populists from the Austrian freedom party.

The Exciting of the Austrian departure is, in fact, even if the creators of the personalization polarized Boulevard-leaves and the talk show is not the young Chancellor, who pretends with a gentle Smile on a tough course and in juvenile modesty in Economy Class and traveled the world like that – not at all. Rather Austria is the venue of a political self-test, could be of crucial importance for the future of the European democracies. In the practice test, an answer to the question: we are looking for here is the radical Right-political involvement tame or disenchant?

Also, the burden of this question has just been charged, as he closed a year ago, the Alliance with the Freedom. Since then, he and his Partner have given all that effort, the Alliance as a success. The protagonists of the Short, and his Deputy, Heinz-Christian Strache show up at public appearances, in perfect harmony. Harmony is considered to be the top priority of the government’s business. That goes down well with the electorate, have the previous Grand coalition bickering in a bad memory. In polls the most popular politician is Short in the country. His ÖVP is consistently above the 31.5 percent, with which the last election was won. And also the Austria as a Junior partner in a stable just below the former mark of 26 percent.

In the asylum policy of the last inhibitions

After a year in Power, then, are phenomena at the surface, no wear to see. Unlike the first black-and-blue coalition in Austria from 2000 to 2005, the FPÖ is neither disenchanted nor worn out by the responsibility of government.

This time but that is due primarily to the ÖVP-Chancellor, of the left its the right partners from the start, with plenty of room. This began with the distribution of Mail, at the time of the Freedom 6 of 13 Ministerial offices were able to secure, including the key ministries of foreign Affairs, home Affairs and defence. And it continues in a little bit to harrowing long-suffering of the now “silent Chancellor” Referred to, most of the antics of their coalition partners, adamantly ignored.

Who thought a year ago that Briefly, the Plan could pursue to curb the FPÖ due to the integration that is informed by the government of the reality of a Better. “We are not teachers,” declared the influential ÖVP-President of Parliament, Wolfgang Sobotka, most recently, to the handling of his party with the coalition partners.

The freedom party, from which it derives the freedom to move the course of the government as far as possible to the right. In the asylum policy of the last inhibitions: FPÖ fall-politicians lock young asylum seekers behind barbed wire, a swagger of “special treatment” and of the “output block”. This strong Wind from the right could be felt even beyond the Austrian borders, such as the withdrawal of Austria from the UN migration Pact, of all things, during the Viennese presidency of the EU.

The ÖVP must take a stand

This step clearly bears the handwriting of the party, and he shows, what is the Dilemma in the Short and the ÖVP in this coalition are heading. Indeed, while the Chancellor is tired, the prices of Austria as a bridge-Builder in Europe, working with its coalition partners to maneuver the country in the corner of the Orbán’s and Salvini’s. And while Short and his people’s party has always been for the Western democratic values, the FPÖ, with a Treaty of friendship to Vladimir Putin’s Russia.

This is to take opposites anything other than Petit food, the place, the Austria in the international context. Chancellor Short works in this constellation, despite its smart appearance, increasingly, like a man – and the next test is him immediately.

In the impending election campaign for the EU Parliament for the FPÖ on the part of those forces, which the EU has to fight in its current Form. Short and his ÖVP will have the first position open. Thus, the harmony of the first year is expected to be completed. The government must now show for which values it is really.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 17.12.2018, 20:26 PM