In China, are committed to a labour camp inmates apparently systematic forced labour. They produce clothing for U.S. companies. A religious group is particularly affected by this.

human rights organisations have denounced for some time, in China’s North-Western Xinjiang Region, hundreds of thousands of people in labour camps, imprisoned. The inmates seem to be forced to produce for profit-oriented companies, clothing and food, however, is new.

company wants to other suppliers to engage

the Whole have Researched, among other things, the AP news Agency, the “Financial Times” and the “New York Times”. Accordingly, the US-sports got, for example, article company “Badger Sportswear” deliveries from a textile factory, which has its seat in a labour camp in Xinjiang. The company has already responded and want to start switching to other suppliers.

In the media reports, many people, whose relatives are in Camps in the North-West are jailed in China, forced to work.