On Monday, gathered The board of trustees at a hotel in Stockholm to vote on the list of candidates for the EUROPEAN elections in may. Unanimous number one was Fredrick Federley, member of the EUROPEAN parliament since 2014. But the delegates also discussed the regeringsfrågan. The centre party has been in the spotlight during the formation of the government after they voted against all the statsministerförslag, first, M-leader Ulf Kristersson who was their candidate during the election campaign.

And after five days of negotiating between the S, C, L and MP landed C of a no to Stefan Löfven.

Then you have to break things against each other. But here we came not far enough in the political content, ” says Fredrick Federley, who is also The second vice-president.

Federley lists a number of specific issues: the Labour market, tax cuts and rural policy. The latter created a lot of problems between the Centre party and the green Party.

– MP, and C are extremely far from each other in rural areas. We can’t go home to our partiorganisationer and say that the nyckelbiotopsinventeringen is perfect and that one should not build within 300 metres of where there is water.

” They are convinced that the prohibition, punishment and detailed regulation is the best. We’re trying to work more with the carrots.

Federley think it would be easier if the green Party would not sit in government but then suffer on the other hand regeringsunderlaget. He does not want to answer whether he would rather see miljöpartisterna as budgetpartners but wish to await the president’s next step.

This one is a very bad political livelihood with the S we will have a hard time to find support for internally in the party. And Ulf Kristersson has not yet found the solution to the gordian knot. How he shows clearly that he does not make himself dependent on The sweden democrats? Both have opportunities. It’s up to Ulf to convince us to get our 31 votes or so’s deliver significantly better than they have done in the past. But now they are not current, they were just nerröstade.

Kristersson has two choices, believe Fredrick Federley. One is the support of the blockgränsen, an option’s so far declined.

Or so to find a political agreement that is strong enough so that we can rest assured that there is a clear statement that you do not want to put themselves in the position of dependence to the SD.

unlike the Liberals split in the regeringsfrågan it has leaked few details about the Centre’s decision to say no to Stefan Löfven last week. There are different opinions in the party but unity is high, said Federley.

– It depends on what you are leaning towards. It is absolutely most important to have the suspenders, belt and parachute against SD? Or is allianskompanjonskapet the most important thing? he says.

Fredrick Federley not want to tell you what he himself wants to. In an interview in the Swedish newspaper svenska Dagbladet in 2015, he said that you can occasionally agree with The sweden democrats. Today he would like to clarify:

” I did not believe that one could agree with SD then, and I believe it is still not today. However, we can not bear the responsibility for how they vote.

Many ask themselves how Annie Lööf ultimate goal looks like. The seats are not enough, a statsministerpost in a less mittenregering, notes Federley.

” All except us and the L is against it. It is the parliamentary mathematics which determines. You may ask why M and S do not want to vote for such a government, it is obvious why not SD want to do it.