Spice Girls star Mel B’s fresh memoirs is not available just anywhere in the middle of the most intense christmas season.

Mel B released at the end of November memoirs.

the Book proved to be a success, but Brutally Honest bears the name of the work cost the company made it in terms of real suede. It namely to take the book from the too small edition, and the book is out of many places among.

This screws up will pay a lot of money, because the book remains apparently almost completely except for the christmas market.

This Mel B mana also Instagram account.

– Spice-tickets sold out in days and now my book ”Brutally Honest” has sold also to the end, Mel B to start.

disgusting star pointed out, that the book must have taken already a number of reprint.

my Publisher didn’t hit the books enough! he mana

Mel B to comfort their fans and said that the book is still available on Amazon and for some lucky ones also in some book stores.

– Apologies to those who didn’t get theirs, Scary Spice also known as Mel B said.

One of the all time most successful female band of the Spice Girls announced earlier in the autumn return to the stage for the summer of 2019. Tickets for the band’s gigs were sold instantly to the end.

Spice Girls star Mel B released at the end of November the memoirs. AOP