– As rengørringsassistent I have done many public school toilets clean and I mean really made them clean.

And I must say, then, that no matter how much I did, so it did not take more than 30 min, so they were soggy again.

– So, yes, it is not a cleaning fault.

How to write Marlene H in one of the many Facebook comments that are written today about svinske skoletoiletter, which means that every fourth student will not avail himself of them. And that every ninth student has problems with keeping on the stool.

And Marlene – who has written his commentary with the TV2 is far from the only one who thinks that the problem begins – and ends – with the children:

– Why is it that the toilets have been so soggy..??

– It is easiest to blame the lack of cleaning, but then give the poor janitors, extra hours and more money, so they can get them done proper clean.

And so, the parents should teach their children that they must not pee out all over the place(ex. measure how high the beam can be or how high up on the door you can hit), remember that they must draw out after them when they are finished, that the toilet paper in the toilet and not on the floor, facilities, etc., that the bowel movement should not be wiped on the walls, etc.

And then it could be a good idea that the parents should help the students to make the toilets clean once a week, so could both the parents and the children feel a greater responsibility for which was kept clean, writes Lonnie N in a very popular comment in the same place, and DR News Facebook writes Britt – Marie B – who also has done purely at the schools that the parents may track:

– Where are the parents to these svinske poder? The toilets harms not themselves.

– Toiletpli and cleanliness should be learned at home in early age, writes britt, but what are you thinking?