Nynorsk is actually a bit trendy for the time. Norges Mållag meets many who want the nynorsk well, both among politicians and in society otherwise. It’s a good starting point to make bruksvilkåra for nynorsk better.

For the trendy or not: It is not to stick under a chair that it is more difficult to use nynorsk than bokmål in Norway. It requires ever-more determination, courage and patience. Thus, it is extra important that it is made the political decisions that take place for that nynorsk is a language in mindretalsposisjon.

the Practical for nynorskbrukarane start all in barneåra. The everyday life of nynorskelevane in schools all across the country are crammed with bokmål. Even more acute is the problem because many digital teaching aid only in bokmål. The situation contributes to that nynorskelevane not learn English well enough.

In many communities live nynorsk is also under pressure from the united states. Now, many nynorskkommunar be turned together with the municipalities where the united states dominates. Then it must be created språkbruksplanar which ensures that both written to have a place in the new municipality.

The immediate years is important for the nynorsk, both locally and nationally. So to all of you who want the nynorsk well, Now they have the chance. Språkrådets framtidsutval have just come up with a report with many good case for action. Kulturministeren have announced a new språkmelding and the new language act. In addition come new læreplanar, and a new opplæringslov is on the stairs.

We have forventingar to that new regjeringsforhandlingar leads to concrete measures. The situation is to ensure that both a new government and the politicians in the county and municipalities can make good and courageous decisions. Decisions that make the notch easier to be nynorskbrukar in Norway.

the Need for English language Leader