Joel Foster is sure of that. “If we teach our children how to use weapons responsibly, and how to respect you and understand that it’s a video game”, then, according to his firm Conviction, then the number of serious accidents will decrease.

Foster is superintendent at the North Butler High School in the U.S. state of Iowa. The North Butler and Clarksville Community School are doing, because you have to go, given the many deaths due to firearms in your state, in new ways. Students in these two school to districts be starting in the spring in dealing with weapons taught, such as the transmitter, Radio Iowa reported. This training should be part of the physical education and mandatory for all Seventh and eight graders.

Seventh – and eighth-graders are in the US, usually between twelve and 14 years old, and therefore underage. Drinking alcohol is allowed in Iowa, 21, driving a car, in exceptional cases, after all, already from 14. But, as you have to use a gun, to learn twelve year old? Joel Foster thinks it’s a good idea and for the part of American society, the figures on rising deaths due to firearms does not want to respond with stricter gun laws.

to 40,000 deaths in the U.S. by firearms

the U.S. leads the sad statistics. Disproportionately many people come here by firearms are killed. Nearly 40,000 there were, according to the centre for health control and prevention in the past year, or 109 of the day – more than ever before in the 40 years since these data are collected. Also, the number of people who were victims of shots and killing sprees in American schools is as high as never. The name of the most terrifying school massacre, is familiar to almost everyone: Columbine, Parkland, Sandy Hook. But school shootings are now so common that many no longer even reported.

A part of the society therefore calls for a long time tighter controls on who is allowed to use a weapon and who is not. But the powerful gun lobby, the NRA is contrary to the Thesis speaks vehemently that more inspections or bans can solve the Problem. Instead, more should be done for the safety of, for example, in schools done. President Donald Trump had expressed in the campaign against stricter gun laws. As a reaction to the school massacre in Parkland (Florida) in February of this year, in which 17 people died, he had called for the arming of teachers so that they could respond quickly in case of emergency the fire.

the face of the protest. Emma Gonzalez (center), who survived the school massacre of Parkland, advocates for stricter laws.Photo: JIM WATSON/AFP

The right to carry a gun, guaranteed by the Constitution

It is an incontrovertible fact that firearms are a part of your everyday life for many Americans. According to estimates, far 300 million firearms are in circulation, which means that, statistically, almost every American has a gun. The right to carry a gun is enshrined in the Constitution since the year 1791, in surveys, American values of this quite frequently as almost as important as the freedom of expression, the right to vote and freedom of religion. In rural areas, where the nearest police station miles, often far away, do not want to abandon the people of their right to self-defense.

the organizers of the now-announced weapons training to Iowa’s schools, it goes to more security. From their perspective, they respond simply to a reality: at some point, everyone will come up with a weapon in contact with it, as help it, if children knew how to use them. They rely on Numbers, such as the Center for Injury and Research Prevention. The Institute, according to the vast majority of unintentional deaths are recorded due to firearms in the home. And very often it comes to accidents, if small children play in the absence of their parents with a loaded gun.

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USA student violence against guns on the street

Christoph von Marschall

Joel Foster is the father. And believes, therefore, that the approach to the North Butler and Clarksville Community School is only logical. “If my twelve year old daughter babysit a three year old child, and the three-year-old child comes out of the bedroom of mom and dad with a pistol or a shotgun, then you must know how to deal with it.”