The accident from early Sunday morning ended in tragedy. A 37-year-old Italian woman died after she was thrown from the Bus and 15 feet deep in the Sihl crashed. The two Buschauffeure are seriously injured in hospital. More than 40 easy to moderate injured also had to be in the hospital treated, could this leave but.

The accident, no Details are known. It is clear, however, that it was the second serious accident at this point in the last two years. 2016 truck car train butt crashed into the Sihl. The driver was also seriously injured. In 2011 and in the year 1991 occurred in this part of the motorway accidents.

“Signalling meets the standards”

The Federal roads office (Astra) saw no fundamental need for action. “The location on the Sihlhochstrasse is in Switzerland not a statistical accident blackspot,” says its spokesman Stefan Hauser, compared to this Morning. The Signaling was sufficient, self-explanatory and correspond to the standards, the more it was called on the part of the Astra . The Canton police conducted an accident analysis should suggest a different conclusion, will examine the Astra any measures and implement them.

Meanwhile, Zurich has responded actually. As a spokesman for the cantonal police of Zurich in the late afternoon of Monday, compared to confirmed, you are prompted for the Astra in a letter to defuse the situation on the Sihlhochstrasse as quickly as possible. An accidental Turn in the cul-de-SAC to be impossible. To this letter the Astra to take in the evening.

No Markings or barriers at the roadside

The Situation is currently this: in Order to prevent that the road users get on the wrong track, marked by a solid line which is about 100 meters long range just before the motorway exit. The fact that the highway at the accident scene to the end, not pointed at the wayside. According to Astra the lane from bend early enough on the right. A Barrier, such as in the Form of red-and-white striped beacons. The so-called stub is used regularly by police and rescue forces to quickly change direction and to be able to reach an accident site. The wall, which was the Car and what the victims fell down in the river Sihl, is the end of this highway-Stub.

After the accident in February of 2016, was a hole instead of the wall for about a year. The recovered, about 1 Meter high concrete wall was only repaired and not reinforced, such as the Astra announced.

fell There in the night from Saturday to Sunday snow, the solid line at the time of the accident was not visible. According to the Radio, “Energy” was the snow removal vehicle on Sunday morning on the A3, only a few minutes late. The location on the Sihlhochstrasse has previously been salted twice, but it was covered at the time of accident is still snow.

“The Bus drove too fast into the curve”

As it came in the night from Saturday to Sunday exactly to the accident, has not yet been clarified. According to Rebecca Valves, media spokeswoman for the Zurich cantonal police, the state of the vehicle, the road and the drivers at the time of the accident object of the investigation. The Carchauffeure could not be heard.

The Bus was left at 21.30 in Genoa and was supposed to arrive according to the timetable 3: 40 p.m. in Zurich at the carpark space. From there, he should have been on the journey with the destination Düsseldorf. Compared to “20 minutes” confirmed, Flixbus, that the Bus was equipped with winter tires. Whether the fatal accident a woman was at the time of accident wearing a seatbelt, is unclear. A Carpassagier told “Tele Züri” that the Bus drove too fast in the curve. (Tages-Anzeiger)

Created: 17.12.2018, 13:01 p.m.