“More killed in spite of fewer firings”

“With the recent shooting in Stockholm passed last year’s dismal figure. 44 people have so far been killed in the deadly shootings. In Stockholm, decreases the number of people killed, but in Malmö and western Sweden have the killings become more.”

“Stockholm has been hit by yet another dödsskjutning. A man in his 20s was killed at the weekend in an apartment in the district of Enskede. Almost immediately, could a suspect be arrested, he / she also has a young man.”

“the Murder in Enskede will be the 44th shooting in Sweden this year, which means that last year’s listing on the 43 killed has passed. In police Western region was noted, for example, four dead in firings during the last year. So far this year the figure is ten. In Malmö, has twelve people have been killed so far this year, in 2017, the number of killed seven.”

“the Event in Enskede will be the eleventh deadly shooting in Stockholm in 2018, but it effectively means a reduction compared with last year. Until the middle of november 2017 had 17 people shot dead in Stockholm.”

“– It looks like we will end up at the same level in the realm of average, but it has to do with the fact that some regions have received an increase, including Scania, ” says Sven Granath, phd in criminology, currently working as an analyst at the Police.”

“the Police have put severe pressure on the so-called livsstilskriminella and implemented a targeted campaign against illegal weapons. It is something that the experienced police Gunnar Appelgren think may have had an effect.”

” I would say that it has several causes. Partly, it is because we have more in custody for roughly vapenbrott and it cools off. Then we have taken strong action in the operational business with more presence on the open drogscenerna, for that is where the shootings occur, ” he says.”

“Appelgren think, however, that one must be careful not to pull large switches on the decline in the number of firings in Stockholm.”

“– Now we have a decline of about 20% and it goes down by 20 percent next year as it starts to get interesting, ” he says.”

“Conversely think Gunnar Appelgren is not that you should stare yourself blind on the number of people killed in the firings. Razor thin margins make the difference between life and death when firearms are fired against the people, and Appelgren points out that the number of firings in total decreased slightly during the first eleven months of the year compared with the same period last year.”

“In the same way it is in Malmö, where the number of firings has declined from 65 to 41 if you look at the period from January to november 2017, respectively 2018.”

“however, It is still a fact that Sweden stands out in comparison with other countries in Europe. The risk to be killed in a shooting is far greater in Sweden than in Germany, a country similar to ours, both socially and economically.”

“Gunnar Appelgren has recently visited Germany and describes a situation similar to that prevailed in Sweden for around 15 years ago.”

“There was a kind of balance of terror with very strong criminal motorcycle gangs and what we call criminal families,” he says.”

“the Shootings in Sweden today takes place almost exclusively in an environment consisting of young livsstilskriminella men included in the very loose-knit network. Often their activity is limited to a relatively small geographic area.”

“– You have no identity in the way that, for example, biker gangs, but it is a bunch of buddies who have grown up together. It is extremely violent and there is not the slightest impressed if somebody comes with a vest with a badge on the back, says Gunnar Appelgren.”

“He believes that the society missed the developments that have led to the current situation.”

“– We did not understand what was going on and ignored it rumbled in the suburb. We are focused on serious organised crime, and there was not the kids in the suburbs.”

“Firings 2018 (t.o.m. 21 november) in the whole of Sweden”

“the Number of firings: 276”

“Firings 2017, in the whole of Sweden”

“the Number of firings: 324”

“*Two deaths have been added since the police summary on november 21, 2018.”

“the Number of firings 2018 to and including november 21”

“(A death in Stockholm and one in the South has been added in addition to the police statistics.o.m. the 21 of november)”