Fresh, the Washington Post can get his hands on report reveals how wide-ranging Russian information influence the U.S. elections and after them. CNN

the U.S. presidential elections against the Russian disinformation campaign stretched across all the major social media platforms and its mission was to help Donald Trump to victory, told fresh, the U.S. senate intelligence committee to deliver the report. The issue in the news the Washington Post, which has received a report of nature of possession.

Reports are drawn up at Oxford university and a network analytics company Graphik.

– it Is clear that all communication was intended to benefit the republican party, and in particular Donald Trump, the report says in WP:n says.

Trump is mentioned in most of the campaigns, which were conservative and right-wing voters and communication to encourage these groups to support his campaign.

Trump opposing groups again were bombarded with communication, which they sought to confound, and to reduce their voting willingness.

information on the engagement campaign was behind including peter from work ”Internet Research Agency”, the troll factory, that manages, inter alia, dozens of Facebook accounts. It has already been raised in the united states charges.

a Recent report provided by WP:n, according to the so far most detailed, the most image information influence the ways and items. According to scientists, the russians launched the american policy influence already in 2014. First influence was made on Twitter, then it expanded to Youtube and Instagram, and eventually Facebook. Google+, Tumblr and Pinterest were also troll the used platform.

the Senate intelligence committee, discussed the Russian influence in November last year. In the picture were considered a demonstration, which both sides of the Russian trolls were called to the scene. EPA / AOP

Alone 20 most popular Facebook-page reached 39 million likes and 31 million share. Facebook was a particularly effective means of dark-skinned voters to reach.

the Russians continued information influence even after the elections. This is particularly visible in Instagram, which produced content more than doubled its number to the election following the half-year.

investigators received a report for information on the internet-giants, but these are not exactly been very cooperative and left plenty of scientists requested by the data release, the report criticises. In particular, Google left out information that would have been required for more detailed analyses.

according to the Washington Post the senate intelligence committee intends to publish a report later this week a second study with.