Progress will be cutting off all financial support to the Black Box Theatre. The motion was of course defeated in the city council Wednesday night. Luckily no other parties drive the political advisor of the Norwegian theatres.

the Proposal is directly based on the disputed notion “Ways of Seeing”. The population has been hotly debated the last time. The show reviews several named persons, and shows filmed performances of the houses of, among others, the minister of justice, Tor Mikkel Wara, Nato chief Jens Stoltenberg and member of parliament Christian Tybring-gjedde.

Men blah a lot more than ladies Comment

Førstnevntes roommate has in the VG described how uncomfortable she thinks it is, and the family’s house and car has subsequently been the subject of vandalism and a threat of or attempt at brannstifting. It is a very serious strike against a Norwegian politician and an issue that is given high priority by the Police security service. Hopefully the culprit soon taken. Of course it should not get any consequences for the Black Box Theatre.

“As if Jonas Gahr Store should have ceased advertising to the newspaper the Day after that-All Together printed the Mohammed-caricatures”, said Therese Bjørneboe to Dagsavisen about the conservative party proposal in the Oslo city. The renowned teaterkritikeren and editor of the theatre magazine has, of course, completely right. Right enough was Støre minister of foreign affairs and is not culture when he expressed himself critically in the karikaturstriden, and the newspaper het Magazine – but it would have been inconceivable to travel to such outrageous suggestions.

In a liberal democracy is freedom of expression basic. It means that a newspaper can press the drawings editor will, a theatre can put up the performances teatersjefen will – and all we others are free to criticize that they are doing it.

Politicians have, of course, also has the right to voice their opinion about culture. In fact, they should be encouraged to debate the culture much more often – and next time should be more of them also, feel free to seek out the theatre and see the play they are discussing.

Left-leader has held his own party for the fun Comment

at the same time have the politicians a dobbeltrolle, because kultursektoren largely financed by public budgets that politicians adopt. Any budsjettbehandling is characterized to a certain degree of judgement that benefit organizations and institutions which for various reasons is the political parties ‘ hearts close.

Why must politicians guard themselves well for habilitetsproblemer, following clear principles, and be conscious of their own role.

On culture this is particularly important, because a “free and independent” life of the city to promote “formation and critical reflection”, so it is on the culture, Trine Skei grande’s fresh list of cultural policy goals. The freedom to criticize power structures and maktpersoner is the very definition of a free cultural life in a liberal constitutional state.

This rolleforståelsen is the conservative party so clearly missing, when they promote a proposal that would only have been adopted in countries such as China, Hungary and Russia. The party shows a complete absence of principled reasoning. None of us are wondering what the political Right would have meant about a Store-proposal to cut funding to the Magazine.

Nobelprisens the eyesore Comment