The prosecutor is demanding Anni törni of manslaughter and grave violation of the accused man lovers of 9.5-10 years in prison.The accused didn’t cover their faces in court. The accused next to the courtroom sat his lawyer Jyrki Piiparinen. Kia Kilpeläinen, Antti Törn

Savonlinna last July, the slain 29-year-old Anni Törni the case comes at least so far, the decision today, Monday, when the South-Savo district court issued a verdict of manslaughter and grave violation of the accused savonlinnalais man in the case. This matter is addressed in the South-Savo district court of Savonlinna meeting place on two different days in November. The district court’s judgment, however, can still appeal to the court of appeal.

the Accused is a törni’s boyfriend, who also worked Törni with the same job. The couple waited for children Törni died. The relationship had progressed quickly, as the couple had begun seeing each other until April.

In 1985 was born the accused has admitted he caused his girlfriend’s death, but denied the charges of manslaughter and desecration of a corpse, as well as the secondary charges of aggravated manslaughter and aggravated assault.

the district attorney Pia Mäenpää requires killing and grave violation of 9.5-10 years imprisonment. If the accused is convicted of murder instead of aggravated manslaughter and aggravated assault, the prosecutor’s claim is that the case seven years in prison.

the Defense granted only the basic shape of manslaughter and assault. Defense says prison sentences should be less than seven years.

quarrel with the ex-spouse of

it began on a July evening, when Törn was a man with a friend to a friends birthday party Savonlinna Kellarpellossa. The party had become a quarrel, when törni’s former boyfriend’s name was mentioned. In court a witness heard of törni’s childhood friend, ex-spouse not a party in any way specifically discussed, but the accused was still nervous. Törn, in turn, had pissed off her boyfriend this behavior.

the Accused himself told the court that the dispute continued his residence the couple left the party.

He is also told that Törn threatened during an argument to suspend the pregnancy. The accused, according to Törn actually initiated the violence by hitting him from behind in the head.

the Case continued to image after.

Accused buried Anni törni’s body in the woods of North Karelia in juuka. The police report changed

a preliminary Investigation, the accused told even quite detailed Törniin against its violence, but in court he changed his story and said that no other self-the use of violence for anything.

he said He only rose his up Anni törni’s against him after he hit the ball the hand into a fist. The next recollection of the accused’s own words, that, when he carried the body of the car.

in Court, he announced the report to change the reason for it, that he was questioning said that the report should be complete. Because of this, he said sepittäneensä the story, although not really remembered itself the use of violence for anything. The second reason for making up for the accused announced that wanted to remain imprisoned because of the fear of törni’s brother, who was threatening him.

the body of the accused was carrying along the Eastern Finland and buried it in the end of the forest to the grave in juuka. He did not initially revealed to the body of the stash to the police, although the police had already taken him to catch up.

the Prosecutor suspected that the reason for the hidden was Törni injury cover. The accused however told the court a different explanation.

– the Longing feeling is that the reason. I wanted to keep it. I just couldn’t abandon Her or the child.

the Prosecutor thinks the case is about intentional action, i.e. killing. He looked at the end of its opinion, the motive for it, that Törn had threatened to suspend the pregnancy.