on Sunday morning there was one politidistriktet after the other out on Twitter and reported that many had made contact with them because they are in the course of Sunday’s first hours had received a threatening e-mail.

In the email, recipients are threatened with nude photos of person is going to be published on social media if they do not pay a pengekrav.

– Become a little alarmed

Among those who have been nedringt of the concerned e-mail recipients is Trøndelag police district.

“We have been steady with the phones through the day,” says operasjonsleder Trond Volden at Trøndelag police district, to Dagbladet.

He estimates that they have received 12 to 15 inquiries from concerned persons.

They probably think that there is something in it here, and they are a little intimidated, ” says Volden.

Trøndelag police district, do all other police and has informed Anders about the many inquiries.

“Several police reports about svindelmailer in the day. It claims the sender to have taken control of the camera on the computer and filmed while the user is looking at pornography,” writes Anders on Twitter.

– Sham

the Norwegian centre for informasjonssikring (NorSIS) has written in the past about what they refer to as a “new wave of extortion e-mail”.

In september, they wrote among other things that the e-mails had now been translated into English and that they seemed to be sent from your own e-mail account.

“It is also trickery, the sender is spoofed and the sender does not have access to your e-mail account”, wrote the NorSIS.

Whether the current e-mail threat also is written in Norwegian, can not pressevakt in Anders, Jonas Fabritius Christoffersen, answer.

Specifically, what is the content of the e-mail today I can not answer. But NorSIS has previously gone out with that they are translated into English, and it may actually make it more intimidating for people. But it is a stand a large scale so we look at it as a bulk of the scam e-mails, ” says Christoffersen to the Newspaper.

If you have received this e-mail, there is no reason for concern, ” says Christoffersen.

– You notice a difference on whether there are real threats or not. At the real threats, it will be contact on social media in the forefront. It is a completely different mode than these masseutsendelsene, ” says Christoffersen.

He says this is criminal that goes wide out and trying to get your money.

The best thing to do is enough to bypass it in silence. You do not need to enter into dialogue with them, it will not lead to anything, ” says Christoffersen.

– Connect against porn

Dinside talked about a similar bulk earlier in the year. Then claimed the authors of the e-mail that they had installed skadevare on a pornonettsted, and from there the broken into e-postmottakers machine. So would they have gained access to the webcam.

In that case, it was from svindlernes page claimed that they had e-postmottakers password. There they may have had, but they have probably extracted from the databases, which are often composed of data from several leaks and break-ins at major services.

And even if someone has your password, it does not mean that you are hacked. But it helps to give fraudsters credibility, which makes the road shorter to believe that they might have filmed you.

– You are extra scared, also connect the the against porn. Very many look at porn, and will think “shit, I have just seen on porn!”. Then everything will vote, and the risk of being deceived increases, told senior advisor Vidar Sandland to the Natural.

Delete mail

There will always be a good thing to think over their passwords, but in conjunction with the current source of threat to the e-mail encourages both Kripos and the police people to delete e-mails.

The very best advice probably comes from Trøndelag police district, which has the following call:

“Delete the e-mail and continue juleforberedelsene”.

New svindelform: Shows you the password as evidence to push you for 10 000 dinside