thousands of Belgians have gone on Sunday in Brussels against the UN-migration Pact on the road. According to police sources, at least 5,500 participants took part in the rally in the vicinity of important institutions of the EU, called for a radical right-wing party Alliance had. The protesters also demanded the resignation of Prime Minister Charles Michel, whose government was the Alliance broken on the dispute on the migration Pact. During the Demonstration there was a clash.

“Our people first” and “We have enough, closed borders,” signs of the rally participants. After a peaceful start, the protesters attacked the cops with projectiles and damaged the external facades of the EU buildings, as a Journalist for the AFP news Agency reported. The security forces used tear gas and water cannon against the rioters.

A counter-demonstration gathered in another part of the city, according to police information, about a thousand people. Both rallies were first rejected by the Brussels authorities for fear of riots. The Belgian Council of state decided, however, that the demonstrations may take place.

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fact check What is in the UN-migration Pact – and what?

Maria Fiedler Andrea Dernbach, Jost Müller-Neuhof, Antje Sirleschtov

The rights of Demonstration as the “March against the city” from the youth organization of the xenophobic party, Vlaams, as well as a dozen other mostly Flemish right-wing organizations initiated had been a concern. In the Moroccan city had agreed last Monday, 150 States, including Belgium, the controversial UN-migration Pact. From protests, the Flemish nationalist party N-VA left the coalition. (AFP)