The older started the youth, and perhaps there is a pensioner-rebellion on the way.

On the Facebook page ‘old-age Pensioners are being let down by the Danish Parliament’ is that right now 9382 dissatisfied pensioners.

Ulla Nielsen writes in a post that has been shared 29 times:

‘When we go on the street?(…) We simply do not have the Parliamentary or Older The attention.’

Multiple writes, that they will opt out of the Older Case, which is the nation’s largest membership organization with 825.000 pensioners monthly pay the dues.

the Man behind ago, 71-year-old Jørgen Mikkelsen, does not think that the Older the Case supports up enough about their dissatisfaction. Therefore, he has made a borgerforslag, and started the party the Citizens ‘Party, to represent pensioners’ interests.

– I have long since realized that we do not get farther with a a new Older Case-association. There must be mandates in the Parliament, if this must be changed, he says.

the Deputy director in the Older Case, Michael Teit Nielsen, will not support a new party, because the Older the Case is party political neutral.

– If there comes a party that says that they help the elderly, so they must be warmly welcomed, but we do not go out and support them, he says to Ekstra Bladet.

– Why is In not borgerforslaget by mentioning it in your newsletter?

– We have had a discussion in our landsbestyrelse, where we decided not to interfere in any proposal. It is the citizens who must support it and not to large organisations – otherwise it becomes a mess.

– There are more in the Facebook group, writing that they wish to opt out of the Older the Case, because In not doing enough?

– We are not sitting on your hands. With finance, there are now 1.5 billion dollars as the folkepensionisternes economy will be improved. It is a very large amount, which came through by the help of the Older The work, says the deputy director.