Imagine a workplace where you are doing the same. But if a mad man goes berserk with a rifle, or shared benefits, such as free T-shirts, bonus or health cover out, so I think the company only on those who are on the A-team.

Precisely how have Google, according to a revealing article in The Guardian shared milliardfirmaet up. In a A-team, there are staff in the inner circle of the company. And a great B-team of freelancers and other løstansatte, as Google is doing everything to keep out in the stretched arm: not our servants – not our problem, is the watchword.

Both by interviewing employees of Google and with a leaked internal manual can the british media to demonstrate how the management of stiff hand instructs the A-team in how to ignore or discriminate the løstansatte called ‘TVC’s’.

‘Work with TVC’s and googlers is different’, says among other things in the manual.

‘Our policy is, because the working conditions for TVC’s can carry a significant risk (for Google, ed.).’

for example, It is forbidden to give T-shirts as a recognition to employees who are hired as freelancers. The management also asks the A-team squeal – like anonymously – about the people at the B-team, if you find that a løstansat formaster to call themselves employed in Google.

The head of Google, Sundar Pichai, has much in it to dry. He has earned billions on its space at the very top of the company’s A-team. Photo: ALEX WONG/Ritzau Scanpix

It is the whole background for the manual and the division of real googlers – and all the other that just performs a task. Google have nothing with the B-team to do when they are officially hired at other companies.

Google will Show too much interest for the B-team-employees, there is a danger that they can demand the same rights as the A-team when they still are doing the same.

Several media outlets have also described another situation where YouTube in april was hit by a tragic incident where a woman went on a rampage with a firearm. She managed to injure three, before she took her own life.

During the episode saw the A – and B-team, how big difference there is in their rights. For example, the A-team informed directly by Google along the way, while the løstansatte on the B-team was left to fend for themselves or the information on which their companies sporadically chose to give them.

At a subsequent meeting about the shooting was the B-team not involved and invited, on an equal footing with the A-team.

During the shooting at YouTube in California was the employees discriminated against. Only A team of permanent staff was informed and helped optimally. The many B-team-the staff, however, was left to fend for themselves. Photo: Jeff Chiu/AP

Google denies today that it has discriminated against during the shooting, but recognises that, because of the B-team’s employment has been ‘different kommandogange’.

– Løstansatte is an important part of our workforce, but are employed by other companies, not at Google, stresses the spokesman Jenn Kaiser, in a statement.

One of the officials at Google, who alone will be called Matthew, told The Guardian that the opinion is a gross bortförklaring.

– It’s just to save money.

– We treat completely legal and open people as garbage, he says to the newspaper.

Technology – 25. oct. 2018 – at. 15:12 Requirements: the UNION must delve into Facebook after the big datalæk