An extraordinary public dispute over the Brexit-the agreement has broken out between the British Prime Minister, Theresa May and its predecessor Tony Blair . Blair’s call for a second Referendum was “an insult to the office he held once, and of the people, which he once served,” said May on the late Saturday.

The former head of government of the Labour party, responded to his conservative successor on Sunday prompt: It was “” to the members of the British house of Commons, forcing the EU negotiated Brexit agreement.

“it would be Sensible to allow Parliament to all offered forms of Brexit vote from 1997 to 2007, the British head of government,” said Blair. The deputies should not have some, whether it is “logical” to question again the people, reiterated Blair his call for a new Referendum.

opponents of the EU outlet

The former Prime Minister is an opponent of the EU exit and has delivered his call for a new Referendum last more publicly. On Friday, he said in a speech on the topic during May discussed in Brussels with the heads of state and government of the EU on possible concessions.

The Prime Minister criticised Blair sharp, “our negotiations to undermine”. “We do not, us is proposing-and it of the responsibility for this decision to withdraw,” she added. The Parliament had a “democratic duty” to implement the voters ‘ will.

May had to postpone last week, a vote on the Brexit Treaty in the British house of Commons, despite a conservative majority because of the threat of rejection. Brexit-the hardliners in her party worry that the United Kingdom would remain bound to the EU. On the other hand, the demands for a further referendum. (Dec/sda)

Created: 16.12.2018, 15:27 PM