“Don’t go on their scam – the climate crisis is here”
“Debater: If the rulers saw the environmental crisis as the crisis it is, so we had started to solve the”
“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”
“the DEBATE. ”It sounds like you joined a cult.” “
“I tell my friends that I, in all seriousness, now started to prepare myself for the crisis. Despite the fact that I in my full time job is working for, and still believe in the possibility of a better world, so do I still need to be prepared for it currently looks most probable: A disaster. “
“I have Therefore now purchased a vattenreningskit, read överlevnadsböcker and googling the places in Sweden which is the best to stay when climate change really hits. “
“Apparently, this is not in Blekinge or Skåne in all cases. No, where will the drought be too difficult. The ground, I will not be able to grow anything on. “
“In the north of Sweden will rainfall be plentiful, but maybe too rich so that it is barely possible to grow anything there, either. I read that the Sveg should be a good place to stay. But it all depends on how the gulf stream affected in the end. “
“the evidence suggests that it can also become really cold in the northern hemisphere so the swedes are forced to flee, becoming climate refugees. “
“But before it says most of the projections to a number of million people will be forced to fly here. Luckily I saved up a tent. My friends laugh when I over a beer tell about my future plans. They think I sound crazy. “
“the Others are worried, feel sorry for me. Someone asks if I am in a ”sick facebook group for preppers” also? I shakes his head, laughing. “
“”I actually am not”. “
“While I let the beer drain down through the neck, I think about how nice it is to be in the illusion of a different truth sometimes. The actual talking to my friends about their savings and how it can become a down payment to the apartment any time. “
“One other would like to move to Portugal in a few years and start a restaurant. A third tells of the urge to have kids and ”settle down”. “
“I wish I could also do it. To dream like that. I wish my prepper-hatred not grounded in anything. “
“But, then I know also that none of my friends are equally loaded on the climate issue, which I am. “
“Misunderstand me correctly: They know, of course, that it is bad with the climate and the environment – but not at any limit. And they would not really know either. “
“”It’s so sad when you talk about it there. I feel so … powerless. Can’t we talk about something else instead?””
” So dangerous it may well still not be, because the politicians are not doing anything?” “
“the Word climate change is a deterrent. I get it. Similarly, all acronyms, degrees and calculations, the researchers throw themselves with. It seems not only the ordinary person think, but also the editorial staff. “
“of course, there are the journalists who report on climate change, but not often enough ends up the topics on the bill or become the center of debate. “
“the recent UN report on climate change, it has yet to be reported if a part of the media. Both the tv spots and longer articles. But after a few weeks there was silence. During the ongoing crisis of the executive, nor may the politicians a few questions about how to adapt their policies to the changing climate. “
“Of the week was voted to the and with a budget through in our riskdag as a priority, remove the greening of billion. Nothing major klimatskadligt companies have either decided to change their business model so it can be adapted to the reality of temperature changes. “
“Surprisingly few things have happened in the world since the report was released. Or, well, more young people sat down outside parliament, and kommunhusen.”
“the Recently concluded climate summit in Poland. A climate summit, which the researchers described as “critical” for the survival of mankind. At the time of writing, I do not know what the outcome of the meeting was, but of it oozing out from the people on site so they all say the same thing: this is not enough. “
“Several researchers say that at the pace we are now exterminating the planet’s artliv and heats up our planet, so we find ourselves in something like a sixth mass extinction. Which also includes humanity. Something that even Greta Thunberg taken up during his speech in Katowice. “
“All well-informed world leaders know as well as this 15-year-old how close to crisis we are. I wish they could also behave like it. Similarly, medieredaktionerna. “
“If the rulers had dealt with the climate crisis as the crisis it is, so we had started to solve it. If the powers had really wanted to solve this crisis, we had stopped investing in fossil fuels yesterday, stopped nöjesflygningar immediately, reduced livestock production, radically, protected forest, lakes and the sea as soon as possible and to reduce our energy consumption significantly. “
“But they do not. “
“By world leaders get us to believe that the crisis is not here or elsewhere, so lets the rest of the world, in the belief that we can continue to act as we have always done: Take those loans on apartments, start the where the restaurants and laugh at the preppers over a beer. “
“this way, seems people who watch house in Sveg as the crazy members of sects. And those who go straight into the crisis seems completely normal.”
“nFanny Jönsson, freelance writer, environmentalist and co-producer of the Miljöpodden”
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