The System “The Ocean Cleanup” to clean the Pacific ocean of plastic garbage does not work. Almost two months after the Start of the plant collected no plastic, said a spokesman for the project, the German press Agency. You can catch the plastic but not hold it. The Initiator of the project, the Dutchman Boyan Slat, language of unforeseen problems, you’ll get a handle on.
The organization had already reported a few weeks ago of problems. A solution was not yet found. The System was moving too slowly in the water, said spokesman Jan van Ewijk. “The exact reason is not yet clear.” In computer models, and Tests, the Problem was not showed.
Video 09.09.2018, 17:57 Uhr01:43 Min.Cleaning action in the Pacific: the Ocean Cleanup fishes plastic from the sea
The facility consists of a 600-Meter-long tube in a U-shape. This is followed by a three-Meter-long curtain is attached, to hold the garbage in the U. The plastic garbage will be picked up by ships and further processing.
“The Ocean Cleanup” to work, you must push the System to the operators, faster through the water than the plastic parts, to catch it. May the Wind and the waves slowed down, but the System, the spokesman said. Another explanation for the lack of success was that the Ends of the tubular wave-induced motions, the braking of the System.
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environmental pollution, The cleaning of the seas has started
Laurenz Schreiner
The waste catcher was at the beginning of September from the San Francisco Bay to the open sea to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch (dt. Great Pacific garbage patch) has been dragged. In this flow vortices are to gather according to scientists ‘ estimates 1.8 trillion plastic parts. 17. October was started up the system. (dpa)