Sunday morning, while many others may still sat søvndrukken with the morning coffee, jumped Anders Matthesen lively around in a checkered ninjakostume in the cinema Imperial in Copenhagen.

the Occasion was the movie premiere on komikerens new anime, ‘Checkered Ninja’, which also had invited parts of Kim Larsen’s family, however, not showed up to the event.

Anders Matthesens own relationship to Kim Larsen was also not something he wanted to talk about at this apartment, though the two for some years ago worked together on one of Anders Matthesens film.

– It’s a bit of a different story, I think, ” said Anders Matthesen.

Kim Larsen made a song for ‘Black balls’, after the comedian had asked the musician, in a letter, whether he would compose a number to a particular scene.

It would Kim Larsen like, after he had seen the scene, and at home in her living room, wrote and recorded a number of Anders Matthesens film.

Celebrity is Going to celebrate itself: the Second firing checkout of the

According to BT said Kim Larsen, Anders Matthesen:

– Here is what I have made. If you can use it, it’s fine – if not, then we are just good friends.

Anders Matthesen ended up using the demo, as it was.

Kim Larsen passed quietly away surrounded by its close in the autumn of 30. september, after spillemandens death filled the very in public.

Extra Magazine wrote ‘It was damn too early, Larsen,’ and ‘What do we do now …’ on the front page the day after, like the country’s other newspapers also marked the spillemandens death.

Anders Matthesen wanted just today to share his story.

– I would like to tell you about another day, but not today. That it’s all about the ‘Checkered Ninja’, and right now will all cook the soup on the Larsen.

– I think it is a little distasteful to stand all the time to talk about.

– I don’t need to krænge my Larsen’s story, said Anders Matthesen.