Jonas small headland, 33, forced-symptoms got worse gradually year by year, until he thinks he’s going crazy.Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) suffer from three percent of the population.Obsessive symptoms may force people to check the same thing dozens of times.Symptoms are often anxiety, which identification is the beginning of a recovery path.Jonas small cape to tell in the video how the so-called suspicion of the disease he has seen in everyday life, with the dog jogging. Jonas calls OCD:for suspected disease.

the Little boy lying in bed at night and repeat in mind the lord’s prayer over and over again.

the Boy feel that every time some little detail, word, or tone, will go wrong.

Just exactly everything correctly by saying boy thinks he can bring something good and prevent evil.

– Probably a hundred times I repeat it the prayer, recalls the Jonas a small peninsula , 33.

He is the little boy who was forced to repeat the prayer over and over again, even though he wasn’t very religious.

the little boy Jonas did not tell the prayer a hundred time repeat itself to anyone.

Now Jonas knows why he did little as did. It was the earliest signs of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Jonas is working today, OCD peer-to-peer support group facilitator. Jenni Gästgivar / IL”Clutching forks and knives”

Jonas surmises that the first symptom of his obsessive-compulsive, but häiriöstään would have been hoksattavissa already when he was five years old.

At the time, Jonas was with his family visited the hospital to see his mother and newborn little sister.

Jonas was crying inconsolably the whole return trip to the maternity hospital, She felt somehow terribly scary, that mom stayed at the hospital. What if she stays there?

in the Same trip was my grandmother’s house eating pancakes. The delicacy of the dish facing Jonas was still frantic mother.

I Squeezed the fork and knife. I couldn’t let them go. I feel that already I move pikkurilliäkään, everything collapses and the mother gets hurt, Jonas remembers.

He was therefore forced to keep aterimista closed. No one that among other things little boys use, I think I’ve even noted. And Jonas, he’s talking about.

Always the first on the right

over the Years, a variety of obsessive-symptoms become more. Their are other easily noticed.

Jonas was forced to always step first with your right foot.

When he took off his shoes, he was set to be footwear to the floor so that the correct footwear is a little left above.

Right means not only the right, also non-false. When he sought to do things always the right above, mind Jonas, trying in this way to prevent a wrong, i.e. bad events.

– it Sounds quite magical ajattelulta, he said.

the relationship of obsessive-symptoms meant things endless review.

If home alone had a girlfriend go to the bathroom and left the phone in another room, Jonas could for a time get to put the girl in lovers eight a concerned message.

Jonaksella not really had the belief that in life, everything will be fine.

Christmas can be a must-symptomatic for an inconvenient time, when you go and come from one place to another visiting relatives and friends. This Jonas know from their own experience. Jenni Gästgivar / ILHuimausta store

at Some point Jonas begins to suffer from severe dizziness.

– google I and looking for signs suitable diseases. I was sure that I have Menierin disease.

the Symptoms are reduced, when the stress decreased. When life changed and became again stress, the dizziness returned with a vengeance.

the Dizziness may come, say, when he went shopping in a foreign store. As usual feel in a situation was something about him threatening. Jonas reacts to it by getting the whole yläselkänsä so tense that he starts to feel dizzy.

Slowly he began to avoid all new situations. The most easiest and least distressing was to stay home and do nothing.

I was Afraid all the time all the bad and evil things and try to anticipate them.

the Nearest interpreted the retreat to passivity, sometimes lazy. Friends were amazed when Jonas didn’t leave with the others. They think that he is not interested.

Yes, he was interested, but he did not dare to go.

”Crazy am I?”

Jonas seek help.

the Psychiatric nurse did not recognize the problem, but health care through he ended up in the psychiatrist’s office.

at That point I was already seriously scared of that freak.

OCD – a diagnosis of sedative.

Real help finding him eventually cognitive therapy. It gives tools to deal with your own thoughts.

in Therapy, he began to rely on it, that pops into the thoughts don’t need to define life and things to do.

the fact that you think about something, does not mean that it happens or so to do.

in Therapy he has got learned ways through which he can get obsessive thoughts out and start thinking about something else.

Jonas identifies itself most pleasing and conflict avoidance necessary. Previously, he let loose even if a bunch of white lies, if he thought he could prevent possible conflict in the workplace or at home. Jenni Gästgivar / ilir in enter

Before Jonas thought that comes to mind had a terrible idea of a dog kicking it might just means that he will be forced to down the taneen that animal.

Before he could ask the spouse every half hour for confirmation that after all his thoughts the dog kicking is just an idea.

Now he knows that no matter how terrible the thought can let go.

Though he would think for a moment, even something as disgusting as a dog kicking, he won’t do it. He can let that idea go over it without getting preoccupied.

Still makes me a shallow flight of the day or moment. But now I know that I have them for the tools and that they bad the moment you go over, Jonas said.

something else

– When you become a worse than normal day, I go, say, to the movies or for a run, Jonas told me.

I don’t give a retreat attractive the idea to take over the mind completely, but I’ll do something else.

I Know, and I also believe now that everything I can in life to control and that it is ok.

Essential is also a daily quiet private moment.

Then Jonas put his cell phone on silent and quiet, a cup of tea or makes the simple presence of exercise.

Life is therapy thanks to the changed, relieved a lot.

I’ve been getting back to self-esteem.

Before I always saw a threat, nowadays, I see more opportunities.

Sensitivity is the strength of the

Jonas is currently self peer support group facilitator. He has told me, OCD-syndrome, his openly.

My OCD:ni approval has been perhaps the most difficult of all for those who have known me my whole life.

– People often think that they know each other. It can be difficult to accept the fact that nothing is.

He has learned mercy himself.

I Thought for a long time, that sensitivity is the same thing as weakness. Now I know that sensitivity is a strength.

Before he could not at all understand how someone can say that life position. Now he will think that so too can be.