“The fbi prevented new acts of terrorism in Sweden”
“the Police did a crackdown on a uzbekiskt network in the spring and prevented thereby is likely to be a new terrorist attack in Sweden, according to the myndighetschefen Klas Friberg, writes Svenska Dagbladet.”
“the Crackdown in Akalla in Stockholm, sweden and Strömsund in Jämtland in the spring and in the beginning of the summer, which TT have previously reported on.”
“The suspects come from Uzbekistan and the Kyrgyz republic and accused of preparation for terrorist offences as well terrorfinansiering. According to Friberg, who do not want to go into details because of strict confidentiality, is an indictment against them is imminent.”
“– It is a very serious matter and I do not want to jeopardise the outcome of the case, but on the basis of the persons suspected, and based on what we knew when we hit so my opinion is that we have prevented a terrorist incident,” he said.”