What craving salty food born? Stress, menstrual cycle and many other medical conditions can affect it, why the consumption of salt will increase.The video explains why salt vähentäjän worth looking sandwiches.

Salty food makes the sometimes mind more than any other time. The Huffington Post presents 8 reasons why salty foods horny.

Mostphotos1. Salt can make you happy

Salty food eating directly affects your brain’s pleasure center and increases the feel good hormone dopamine production.

Salt affects than the drug substance, say experts.

in the Same way addictive also sugar and fatty foods.

This can make us got a craving for some salt, because we want the same good feeling again and again and again.

2. You are accustomed to its taste

isn’t the food you think any without salt?

Salt overpass imaging can affect the tongue taste buds. Then a moderate amount of salted food does not only taste like anything.

according to Experts, the salt as also the sweet, was born a certain tolerance.

It makes us miss even more salt to food, where it is already enough.

3. Have lots of exercise

Sweating with the body removed from the fluid and salts.

Salty snacks craving may be due to the fact that your body strives to replace the lost electrolytes such as potassium and sodium.

– Dehydration due to a salt craving may be due to the fact that it is the body’s way of telling you that now, should drink and eat more, tell your doctor Constantine George .

the salt craving is also characteristic of the pregnant, if vomiting to tax salt balance.

Especially moving sports drink helps to replace lost salt substitutes, but your recovery drink can also be made by combining lemon and lime juice, ginger and just a sprinkle of salt and honey.

4. You suffer from PMS symptoms

Before menstruation occur PMS symptoms can get, according to experts, the salt craving I wake up.

This may to some extent explain the fact that the serotonin level in the brain decreases.

Salty food eating does not, however, support, as it can further increase PMS symptoms related to swelling.

5. You’re stressed

a Heavy day at work can get looking to trade off the shelf that bag of chips.

salt craving can also be a pattern of behavior, boredom or to relieve stress, which causes people to eat more salt than they really need.

6. You sleep too little

sleep deprivation increases according to studies, junk food consumption risk.

the night before last short missed sleep a night may thus be an explanation as to why the next day burger meal seems particularly appealing option.

7. You suffer from a health problem

Rare is that the salt craving is one of the disease.

a Powerful salty food craving may refer to Addison’s disease. Disease the adrenal glands do not produce enough hormones.

symptoms of the Disease are due to cortisol and aldosterone, i.e. salt hormone deficiency.

the symptoms of the Disease include fatigue and asthenia, weight loss, loss of appetite and nausea.

Bartter syndrome again is a rare kidney disease. It leads to good water, the potassium and calcium loss.

8. It comes naturally

People have a natural tendency to want salt, because it is necessary for the survival and historically been a rare treat.

Today, salt is everywhere and most people can get it too, says nutritionist Heather Woodward .

How to reduce salt consumption?

in Finland, salt intake recommendation for adults is no more than 5 grams (less than 1 teaspoon) per day. In children the recommendation is less than 3 grams per day.

Less than 1-year-old food is not recommended to add any salt, salty foods or spices. The Finnish eat salt on average, twice recommendations.

Experts recommend the Huffington Post that the salt ambitious, you should give preference to food-substances, which are naturally sodium-free. These include, for example celery, carrots and seaweed.

Salt can try to replace also other spices and herbs.