Belgium has missed an opportunity to engage in the fight against the klimaatwisseling to profile itself as a responsible and ambitious country. That sets the climate coalition, a dachverein of environmental ngos, today, at the time that the climate summit in Katowice (COP24) in the absence of a final agreement, according to the communiqué from the coalition due to “a total lack of political will”, to renewals.

The climate coalition recalls that prime minister Charles Michel at the beginning of this week in Marrakesh, it claimed that Belgium, on the migratievraagstuk, “on the right side of history”. But also for the climate policy applies is still open, reads it.

also Read “Historical” to 70,000 to 75,000 participants according to organization on the largest Belgian klimaatmars ever Babystapjes

Our country put babystapjes with a ‘Benelux Talanoaverklaring’, but failed to participate in a real statement to the ambition to increase (High Ambition Coalition). Flanders blocked a signing by our country. the

“Our ministers will not tie myself down to figures, they say they want to focus on concrete measures,” says climate coalition. “But we see just that in the klimaatplannen of the regions are missing.” In that context, welcomes the climate coalition to the decision of the Brussels government to speak out for raising the European climate target for 2030 to 55% reduction of emissions. During a consultation with the climate coalition also gave the Walloon minister, Jean-Luc Crucke and federal energieminister Marie-Christine Marghem to personally tend to that ambition.

75.000 Belgians on street

The climate coalition points out, that not even two weeks ago to 75,000 Belgians came on the street “because it is not acceptable that our ministers on the viability of the planet and the future of the future generations in danger”. All they asked for a socially just and ambitious climate policy.

Belgium must, according to the communiqué, the following priorities into account: the need to advocate for an increase of the European ambition to at least 55% reduction of the emissions in 2030; the national plan for energy and climate must be robust and the just transition to a full decarbonisatie bets, and Belgium to the challenges of developing countries take into account, in the framework of international klimaatrechtvaardigheid.

As our country does, then, in Belgium, on klimaatvlak on the right side of history, so close the press release.