Julenissen on assignment in Oslo. Photo: Terje Bendiksby/NTB/TT

He called julenissen and fortunately he seems to live still despite the fact that someone malicious, 2015, put in his obituary in Aftenposten. The magazine avpublicerade quickly the digital the ad, but the fake ”news” had already been spread over the world.

From the North and from the barn. The Norwegian plot can be seen as a mixture of the one we have in Sweden and the Norwegian fjösnissen, a small figure in a hood which, according to mythology, watched over the farms.

He knocks on the door a few minutes after that the father of the house said that he should go out and buy the magazine.

the Length and size can vary, but otherwise he looks like the gnomes are doing the most in their red clothes and his white beard.

Jens Littorin


Sinterklaas and his helper Zwarte Piet in the Netherlands. Photo: Patrick Post/AP

He is called Sinterklaas and arriving already on 5 december, the day before Saint Nicholas.

Madrid in Spain. From there he goes with his white horse boat to a port in the Netherlands and on to the expectant children. The children should, in good time before the have added a drawing and a carrot in a shoe next to the chimney.

He rides on his white horse and handing out gifts to the good children, together with his helpers, Zwarte Piet, who, however, called into question at a later time. The now highly controversial figure, has been called racist and a negative stereotype. Children who have not been please put in a sack and have to go with Sinterklaas back to Madrid.

An older man with a white beard and white hair. He wears a red robe over a long white shirt and a red peaked hat with a cross on. He reminds me a little bit about the pope, or at least a roman catholic cardinal who is not cut out for a long time.

Pia Gripenberg


the Elf on the Dubai international airport. Photo: Chris Martin Bahr/REX

A carefully skrudad man sitting strategically placed in a shopping centre, ready to listen to a wide-eyed child’s wishes.

From the köptemplens staff room. There are no children in Dubai ”believe” in the plot. Christmas in the sense of the birth of Christ is celebrated in the muslim world – but the gnomes and the pats appear profusely. Shejkdömet Dubai, which is included in the United arab Emirates, has no oil but is investing heavily on trade and tourism. It is important to find the köpjippon that attracts the tourists to open the wallet. Christmas is that cut for that purpose.

It appears that he parts out the pats. A department store chain attracts with santa ”on top” if it is over a certain amount. But generally, there is santa’s task completed before the julaftonskvällen (or rather christmas day, in Dubai followed the anglo-saxon julklappstraditionen).

In Dubai comes to the extreme Disneyvarianten. Rarely see you any longer and whiter tomteskägg and redder koltar than in Dubai shopping malls.

Erik Ohlsson


German gnomes on a walk in Rostock. Photo: Bernd Wuestneck/AFP

He is called the Weihnachtsmann and is strikingly similar to our Swedish tomte in the bushy beard and red / white santa costume. In southern Germany and in Austria, he, however, competition of an angelic flickgestalt who manages the julklappsutdelningen in many families.

There is a controversy about the location of the German sites have their place of residence. The north pole answers many, while others point out the mountain range of the Black forest in south Germany as his actual haunts.

The real plot has a big heart and will with gifts for all good children. But you have to watch out for his nasty copies. A few were forced to Berlinpolisen to warn of a man who dressed as santa claus walked around the christmas markets in the German capital, and invited the visitors on the poisoned snaps. Several were taken to hospital with förgiftningsskador.

A småfet, older man with a strident laugh and big smile.

Lina Lund


Polish gnomes in Gdynia. Photo: Michal Fludra/Alamy Stock Photo

He is Swiety Mikolaj – Saint Nicholas, the Turkish bishop from the 300’s, which for various reasons become julsymbol in the whole world.

According to DN’s sources believe many of the Polish children that he comes from the Finnish Rovaniemi.

Swiety Mikolaj will already on 6 december, on his own name day, which is called Mikolajki. Then may please children, sometimes a gift – but the big julklappsutdelningen takes place on christmas eve night.

Swiety Mikolaj in Poland adopted a angloamerikanskt appearance, that is to say, red santa costume and big beard, kind of like in the Coca Cola commercials.

Ingmar Nevéus


Brownie ”Made in China”. Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen/TT

Shen Dan Lao Ren (christmas old man), that santa called in China, are found mainly in large cities and often play the saxophone (not clear why). Not seldom he is seen in large department stores or hotels, less often in homes.

If he is made of plastic, it is very likely that he originated in China! Otherwise, the plot is a relatively new, imported phenomenon from the west, and a strong story about santa’s origin seems to be. To a large extent, christmas is a time for shopping.

the Plot is most visible in the public space. Christmas is celebrated in Sweden and is no holiday. But the kids think it is fun to be photographed together with santa and some department stores coordinate a visit with santa comes home with a gift to the homes. But there is no tradition to leave the porridge to the plot or to write their wish lists.

red / white santa costume with santa hat and big beard. Often with a saxophone in hand.

Marianne Björklund ”


No, it is not obvious that santa comes in a sleigh drawn by reindeer, as it does here in Rovaniemi. The Finnish santa claus often takes flight. Photo: Ylva Sundgren and IBL

the Swedish-speaking finns often say julgubben, Finnish-speaking says joulupukki (julbocken), but they refer to the same person – a buxom and vitskäggig man, who doles out gifts on christmas eve.

the Finnish child learns that he comes from Korvatunturi, a mythical (but existing) mountains on the border between Finland and Russia. The tourists visit santa’s workshop in Rovaniemi, Lapland. It is a big industry, and the official julbocken have a twitter account, @finnishsanta.

the speakers still using the name julbocken is associated with the old 1800-talstraditionen with people dressed as scary goats that walked around among the farms. Today, however, is also santa claus in Finland please.

Before the second world war, however, the Finnish santa claus with grey fur, but around the same time as the olympic games in 1952, when Coca-Cola came to Finland, he started to appear in the global munderingen: red with white pälskrage.

Philip Teir

This is julfrågan all want an answer to