A skarpladt pump-action shotgun, which was lying ready in the trunk of a stolen black BMW on the Rebekkavej in Hellerup, north of copenhagen, was used for a shooting and attempted murder in the gang-environment, believe the police.

But under a secret searches of BMWen got the police made the weapon, and let it lie, while the car was kept under continued observation by the police.

the Officers saw a grey VW Polo with three persons came running to Rebekkavej the 21. september, where a man got out and moved the shotgun from the BMWens cargo area into the passenger seat of Poloen and ran.

Meanwhile, put one of the other men into BMWen, who ran from the site together with Poloen.

Crime Police: Here hidden 11 bandefolk after shootings

the Weapons found in the world led today, led today, to even a pre-trial detention of a 20-year-old from Brothas-gang.

He is to be charged – along with several former detainees – to have been in possession of the shotgun from the BMWen and three more firearms.

The 26. september police found during a search in His Neighbourhood in the Count a gun, an automatic rifle and even a pump-action shotgun, which the police also connects to the 20-year-olds.

He is to be charged for attempted murder because police believe that the uskadeliggjorte pump-action shotgun from BMWen should be used for a shooting during a gang-related conflict.

Police also believe that the other three arms were used during the armed conflict between the two factions of the Brothas that occurred in the summer when the gang was divided in the ‘old’ Brothas and a new faction, which the police call NPV, which stands for ‘Nørrebro, to the North-West’.

After a series of shootings and violent episodes in the summer got the police in custody approximately 25 people from the two factions, and it has created peace in the conflict.

There are, among other things, raised the charges for the five attempted murder with a firearm during the conflict. Five have been wounded by gunfire during skudepisoderne.

The 20-year-old, who refuses guilty, was today remanded in custody for 25 days.

another almost 20-year-old man, which police also believe is a part of the Brothas, was also remanded in custody for 25 days in dommervagten, charged with attempted murder.

There is a previously unknown assassination attempts, which must be taken place 17. september in Herlev. Here he, along with several both identified and unidentified perpetrators have reached out to several individuals from the second grouping to shoot them with a gun.

Also, this hearing was held behind closed doors, and it is uncertain as to why drabsforsøget was prevented.