“No free public transport for young people in the summer”

“There will be no second and third summer where young people can ride public transportation for free. With the Conservatives and christian democrat budget proposal was voted through in parliament, with the help of The Swedish democrats, pulled the state contribution of eur 350 million for 2019.”

” It is deeply unfortunate, believe Jens Holm (V), chairman of the parliamentary trafikutskott.”

“It was Left in the budget negotiations with the government before 2017 pushed through the initiative, which would apply in three years. It meant that young people from grade six to nine, and in the first two årsklasserna in high school, could get an opportunity to go free on public transport during the summer. The country’s lokaltrafikbolag had to seek money from the transport administration to implement it. Of the 350 million who were for the 2018 all went to.”

“the Left party pushed the proposal as a klimatåtgärd to contribute to the reduction of emissions, but also as a reform for young people from low-income families.”