Peter Aalbæk and Lars von Trier has given handshake on a much-needed sale of their funen farm, Nakkebølle jagtgård.

the Duo put the farm in the town of Faaborg for sale in march, and in June the roof of the market again, after a buyer went for it.

Movie – 2. apr. 2018 – at. 17:45 Aalbæk and von Trier puts filmgård for sale

the Sale is not yet registered, but according to Peter Aalbæk paid by the buyer with the six million kroner, the farm was put up for sale for.

– We have sold it with the acquisition next year, says the filmmaker.

’the Eel’ and von Trier took out a shrewd salgannonce with the farm in the Danish newspapers in the spring under the title ‘We are on the arse’.

In the text explained, the – with a twinkle in his eye – that they had come in pengebekneb and found it difficult to finance the farm, after their film company Zentropa had had new management with a sense of tight financial management.

Gas or not prices Peter Aalbæk today happy over the sale.

– Yes, it is, as a rule, when you put something for sale, he says.

the Duo bought the farm for 2.250.000 crowns in 2004, through their jointly owned company Teknik Fyn ApS. Hence they have a clean profit of 3.8 million dollars.

Nakkebølle jagtgård has for decades been owned by Danish filmmakers, and Susanne Bier’s oscar-winning ‘in a better world’ is filmed there.

Before Peter Aalbæk and Lars von Trier came on his lap, was the farm owned by the Danish film producer Preben Philipsen.

He invited the big movie stars inside, Dirch Passer, Ove wins bronze, Karl Stegger and Poul Reichardt has, according to Peter Aalbæk put visit there.

Later came the deceased godsejerfrue Elsa Maria Petersen, who also owned the Nakkebølle Goods. She sold jagtgården in 1998 to Mads Stevnhoved, who today owns Nakkebølle Goods.

He sold it to Morten Frimand Nielsen Neel Bøchner in 2003.

the Rest is history.