It can be difficult to believe that modern slavery is one of the fastest-growing menneskerettsproblemene the world is facing in our time. It can be even more difficult to fathom that modern-day slavery, also found in Norway.

Jostein Hole Kobbeltvedt. Show more

Over 40 million people live today in modern slavery around the world, according to the International Labour Organization (ILO). Slavery takes place in all countries. 25 millions of people who are exposed to the inhuman conditions held in forced labour. And 70 to 80 per cent of all forced labour occurs in the private sector.

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Modern slavery in leverandørkjedene to Norwegian companies. They produce goods and services that come to us, to good here in Norway. Maybe they have sewn the clothes you have on you, picked the tomatoes you eat, or been with to build the office you work in every day. Maybe dinner is harvested by migrant workers in the fishing industry in Thailand that are at risk of being thrown overboard if they are not loyal they accept inhuman working conditions.

despite all The knowledge goes too slow with the companies ‘ efforts to implement policies and procedures to respect human rights. It takes a law to get up to speed on the development.

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In 2015 introduced England a modern slaverilov that bind large companies to report what they are doing to prevent, and to expose modern slavery in their operations and ‘ supply chains. This is a law, the business community wanted to ensure fair competition.

More than 12 major Norwegian companies report already under the English law.

In the beginning of December adopted the Australia a modern slaverilov that extends a good deal further in committing both large businesses and the government to report on how modern slavery is fought. Hong Kong treats now a proposal for a modern slaverilov. France has its aktsomhetslov and in the Netherlands are in the process of adopting a law that particularly targets child labor.

Modern slavery an umbrella term that refers to various situations where people under compulsion to be utilized roughly. Human trafficking, forced labour, bonded labour, and abusive child labor are included in this designation.

According to the Global Slavery Index, there are now 9000 more people living in slavery in the Uk, but the reality is rather that we do not know what the scope is. That in itself is a cause for concern. But we know of cases where people have been convicted, including for forced labor on horticulture in Modum and Lier.

Media reports have referred to extreme exploitation in sjømatæringen here at home in connection with the snøkrabbefiske in the Barents sea.


Caritas through its resource center for migrant workers contact with many people who are in very vulnerable situations in the workplace. Forced labour exists in the renholdsbransjen, and the hospitality industry, and the examples can unfortunately be made more. We also have risikosektorer where there is a need for mapping, such as in transportation, fisheries, and havnesektoren.

typically the human trafficking and forced labour – modern slavery – often found in the peripheral zone of the ordinary business. Therefore, also requires measures that take account of this.

After the constitution pargraf 93 the state has a duty to combat slavery and forced labour. The ilo tvangsarbeidskonvensjon and tvangsarbeidsprotokoll, the Council Menneskehandelkonvensjon, and the Un Bærekraftsmålagenda also entails obligations for the state to protect against such egregious forms of exploitation. The same follows of the Un guiding principles for responsible business. The protection happens especially through legislation, enforcement, supervision, ombudsmannsordninger, guidance and funding for other measures.

Here they are sold as slaves on the auction – in 2017.

Modern slavery must be combated with several methods. Orders to large companies to report on how they work to prevent and combat modern-day slavery in leverandørkjedene is one important element. But without other measures in addition, we will not succeed with the to combat modern slavery.

the Government should, therefore, take greater steps to meet the obligations Norway has to combat modern slavery. And it is urgent. There is a need for a modern slaverilov that takes combating modern-day slavery several steps further.

In addition to the requirement to report the public – which is a key tool – should the law contain clear requirements to the measures firms must take to identify and combat modern-day slavery to which one is attached to.

Furthermore, a lovarbeid survey the scope of modern slavery in Norway and in the Norwegian companies ‘ supply chains. Such a mapping will be the starting point for a review of legislation, enforcement and other measures that currently exist.

The it can be prepared a focused modern slaverilov, which follows up and is coherent with the international forbildene, but also brings the combating of modern slavery further. So is combating modern-day slavery, effective and our legislation leading on to an area where we find some of our times greatest menneskerettsutfordringer.