the Cooperation between the fisheries minister Eva Kjer Hansen (V) and fiskeriordfører from government contacts, Ib Poulsen (DF), scraper really the bottom these days.

It is the quotas of the mussel and oyster fishery in the Limfjord, which creates a really bad atmosphere.

Ib Poulsen is very tired of the minister’s slimy dealings with the agreements, the Parliament has concluded.

– It is absolutely inadmissible, that the minister in this way keeps the fishermen and us, the rapporteurs for a ride, he says.

20. June this year, all political parties agreed that the oysters and muslingefiskere in the Limfjord are not allowed to own more than three licenses. Those who have more, have the new agreement to the end of 2026 to part with the licenses.

Ib Poulsen rages over the minister’s decision that the rules on the number of licenses does not apply from June 2018, where the agreement was concluded.

because of what can fishermen still acquire more than three licences and on the way to remain østerskonger in the Limfjord completely to 2027. It has at least one østersfisker already taken care of. The fisherman was registered as the holder of more than three licenses a little over a month after the agreement was made.

the License was transferred to the fisherman, two days before the Parliamentary agreement fell into place, but was first registered in the Fiskeristyrelsen 25. July – more than a month after the agreement was dropped in place.

It shows a reply from the Fiskeriministeren to the Parliament.


DF’eren is especially resentful of co-operation with the minister.

– the Cooperation is delete, delete is not the same as we had with Karen Ellemann. Karen, we could talk and cooperate with.

the Article continues under the picture

Ib Poulsen can not understand, what can be more important for fiskeriministeren than cooperation with government contacts. Photo: Rasmus Flindt Pedersen

His confidence in the secretary of state can gradually be in a very small place.

– Eva Kjers approach and cool style slider on the confidence each and every day, and cooperation is almost non-existent.

Fiskeriministeren tells through its press officer, that she not have something else to add, than the answer she has given to the Danish Parliament.

The bad mood between the fiskeriministeren and DF’eren is not completely new. In the beginning of november, Ekstra Bladet tell how Ib Poulsen emigrated from a meeting with the minister.

Here defended the minister himself to Ekstra Bladet, that you can not legislate with retrospective effect and stated that she pulled something out. She admitted at the same time, that she was not a supporter of the agreement.

the DF’s fiskeriordfører wonder, however, still of Eva Kjer Hansen’s priorities.

– What is it that makes the matter so important that the Danish people’s Party must be put off on a siding. Who is more important than her contacts?, he asks.