“Kitel, 16, was mocked in färdtjänstbilen driver off,”

“the Parents have been wondering why Kitel, 16, with Downs syndrome, not wanted to ride school busses to school.”

“Then they discovered a film on her son’s e-reader, which shows how driver mimics and barks at the son. “

“– It is so offensive, ” says mother Therese Frisk, 34. “

“Every weekday go Kitel, 16, subsidised transport to school, in the county of Västmanland. “

“He has Down’s syndrome, and in order to facilitate communication in the school, he uses a tablet computer as aids. “

“– He loves to use it to record movies with yourself, ” says mother Therese Frisk, 34. “

“But yesterday found a movie on the playbook that got the parents to react strongly. “

” I didn’t think it was true when I saw the movie. I checked probably ten times before I understood what actually happened, ” she says. “

“Kitel had filmed himself in färdtjänstbilen on the way to school. Of the sound from the movie to judge, it sounds like that the driver began to mimic the boy in the process. “

“– Kitel was very upset that the driver mimicked him and told the driver to be quiet. When started, the driver screaming for Kitel to be quiet. He was very rude. To an adult human being behave like this? And impersonating someone is also, it is so offensive, ” says Therese Frisk.”

“Fought for equal treatment”

“the Movie did hurt her concerned. “

” I have fought for 16 years for that he should be treated like any other. When you see it here, it feels like everything you fought for is completely shattered. It feels terrible, ” she says.”

“Now, she asks herself the question if it was more than a one-off. “

“– It has happened that he wanted to go in the car. This might have been going a long time and he has a hard time explaining things. How long has he been offended in this way? “

“Kollektivtrafikförvaltningen in the region of Västmanland, sweden were informed about the incident yesterday evening, after a relative of a coworker seen a post that the mother posted on social media. “

” It was not reported as a deviation, but we discovered it themselves. In the morning we took hold of it directly. The event is absolutely not acceptable, it is clear that it is offensive, ” says Eva Frank-Gredeholt, general manager at the unit for the specific public transport. “

“From the administration page, then contact with the mother and sent the film to the company that has contracted to carry out the runs. “

” We have said to the company that we do not want the driver to run our trips at all. What we do now is that the boy always goes in the same car and has the three well-known, experienced, drivers, that rotates, ” says Frank-Gredeholt.”

“the Ceo: Take it very seriously.”

“the Ceo of the company that performed the run takes a serious view of the film’s content. “

” It’s not an accepted behavior. The driver is turned off until further notice. I take this very seriously. We carry incredible amounts of transportation and it is very rarely I have seen something like this. “

“do you Have any indications that this is a behavior that has existed in the past? “

“What are you saying the driver? “

” I have not had time to talk with the driver than. I can’t comment more on the individual situation. It becomes a major issue where we need to go to the ground to do a proper investigation. Until the investigation is completed, the driver turned off. “

“Aftonbladet have via the company tried to reach the driver for comment. “

“Kitels parents have agreed to Aftonbladet publishes the movie that shows the event. “