“Pompeo chastise arrests in China,”

“– The illegal arrest of two canadian citizens is unacceptable, ” says Pompeo.”

“The canadian former diplomat Michael Kovrig and businessman Michael Spavor is being investigated by the chinese authorities. They were arrested earlier in the week in China to have participated in activities which, according to the Beijing can damage national security, said the chinese foreign ministry.”

“Meng Wanzhou was arrested in Vancouver on december 1 but was released on bail on Tuesday.”

“Pompeo met with Canada’s minister of foreign affairs Chrystia Freeland in Washington on Friday. He calls on Beijing to immediately release the two canadians.”

“The two foreign ministers agreed to keep politics out of the legal case, says Freeland.”

“– The most important thing we can do is to uphold the rule of law, see to it that miss Records of the right to due process is respected and that the current judicial process in Canada continues to be apolitical, ” she says.”

“In China, many believe instead that the process towards Meng Wanzhou is a part of Washington’s trade war with Beijing.”

“During the Friday was Canada’s ambassador to China, John McCallum, yet hit Michael Kovrig for the first time since he was arrested, and the ambassador is pushing for even get to meet Michael Spavor.”

“Michael Kovrig working for the International Crises Group (ICG) conducts research on peaceful solutions to global conflicts. Michael Spavor working with cultural exchanges in the chinese city of Dandong.”

“Huawei was founded in 1987 by Ren Zhengfei, the father of the chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou. The company has around 180, 000 employees and had a turnover last year of over 92 billion dollars. The company is owned by its employees.”

“the Arrest in Vancouver took place the same day as Donald Trump and Xi Jinping over a meal in Buenos Aires agreed on a ceasefire in trade wars.”

“According to independent analysts, Meng Wanzhou to be used as a checker in the continuing trade negotiations between the united states and China.”