On January 11, approaching with leaps and bounds. It is the date when the Stockholm shall submit its official application to the International olympic committee to host the winter OLYMPICS and Paralympics in 2026.

the Catch is that the majority in the Stockholm city hall still says no to the OS, but the resistance is no longer as compact as it was when the blue-green took up the position in October. After the Swedish olympic committee (SOK) courted the politicians and given them a new sheet for OLYMPIC betting, there are, according to sources, the process is near a more positive image among the rulers.

is not only if it is good with an OS, but also how much it would cost politically for the arrival of a new majority to say yes – a u-turn, which would also benefit the OS-affirming the social democrats.

the Liberals play a key role in this headache. Within the Alliance is the party that has been most OLYMPIC-sceptical, but a loosening of the resistance has been noticed. In October, after the new majority party in Stockholm, went nine liberal politicians (while outside the municipality of Stockholm) in a debate article in Svenska Dagbladet and called on Stockholm to not shut the door on the OS.

They are far from alone in wanting the games to Sweden. The fact is that the political majority in Falun, sweden, Åre and all the other municipalities that are involved make it. The business makes it. The sport makes it. Yes, there are also studies which show that public opinion makes it. When the Two let Novus take the pulse of the people in the beginning of the year was 53% against and 34 in favour, but in a study that the IOC made two months later, the numbers are 46-24 – for the OS, with almost a third undecided.

to believe in whoever you want, but if several smaller parties in the Stockholm city hall says no, there are at the same time, many in Sweden who want to have an OS, which by the IOC’s reform programme Agenda 2020 received a completely new situation.

This innovation has the olympic movement been difficult to communicate. The wretched rumor that the IOC created with their corruption still hangs. And if the SOK started to approach politicians and public opinion directly after the OLYMPICS-bet 2022 went in the recycle bin and not lost time by double byte in the chair had made it easier for the politicians who are now taking their responsibility and justice requires that each figure in the budget should be analyzed. Time constraints, who can now stop the OS, is in many respects self-inflicted.

is imminent. the Idrottsborgarrådet Karin Ernlund (C) allows the health that there is no one given previously stands. But from within the parties tells of consultations and deep reflections.

What happens if there is no? It is far from certain that the SOK. The IOC has announced that the guarantee of security that the Swedish government is required to sign does not need to be in place exactly on 11 January. Theoretically would a councillor from Åre or Falun to be able to write in an OS-application. Races in Stockholm could be relocated to other municipalities. But all this, of course, would be a geographical that would play only the opponent, Italian Milan/Cortina, in the hands.

And as a voice within the SOK recently put it, optimistic:

”we are Looking for, so we get to the OLYMPICS.”