Password, I think you should use the time.

the password of the importance can not be stressed too much. The password should be as original, and should not be used in several services at the same time. The password should also change periodically to avoid surprises.

Even if the password was invented can seem difficult, do not be content with the most common passwords, which many people use. Software company splash data gathered together for the annual 100 worst password list.

a list of first’s this year ”123456” and the second ”password”. This is the fifth year in which the passwords are top of the list. New on the list is 14. # ”666666” and # 11 ”the princess”. Password ”donald” at # 23.

splash data ceo Morgan Slain hauskutteleekin the company’s release to the Us president, Donald Trump expense.

I’m sorry mr. president, but this is not fake news. Your name or any common name to use is a dangerous decision. Hackers onnituvat often break into the account, because they know that many people use celebrity names or simple, easy-to-remember number or letter series, Slain said in a bulletin.

a list for the splash data analyzed more than five million leaking the password, which were derived from North America and Europe. The company estimates that up to 10 percent of people have used at least one of the 25 worst password among the passwords.

25 year 2018 worst password

1. 123456

2. password

3. 123456789

4. 12345678

5. 12345

6. 111111

7. 1234567

8. sunshine

9. qwerty

10. iloveyou

11. princess

12. admin

13. welcome

14. 666666

15. abc123

16. football

17. 123123

18. monkey

19. 654321

20. !@#$%^&*

21. charlie

22. aa123456

23. donald

24. password1

25. qwerty123

100 the password list can be found in its entirety here.