The Europe-Head of the consulting firm Ernst & Young , Julie dough country, speaking a power word. In an internal Mail, they informed the workforce in Zurich, that you would investigate the allegations of sexual harassment at the Zurich branch of the company. You take the allegations extremely seriously and will immediately take measures.

One of these is that the employee will be placed on partner level, is in the centre of the allegations, immediately free. After various media had reported, among other things, at this point, about incidents of sexual harassment and bullying at EY in Zurich, is determined by the EY-Europe-guide now, apparently, to Act.

In the centre of the interest of a member of staff in the leadership team at EY in Zurich. In his role, he has a lot to do with young women, it should be harassment. A case from the year 2016 is on the record. He was a member of staff, felt he was harassed and wanted to fight back.

as a result, he began to threaten her, she became ill and left the company finally with a high severance payment. He got a reprimand for his behavior, but was promoted shortly thereafter anyway. Internally, the rumors, the employee was protected from above, the case has been hushed up.

External company to the operations check

Indeed, had EY Zurich the case internally to investigate, but by no means independent. In addition, there were inconsistencies. Europe-Head of pastry land promised in the internal Mail, to want to check again – this time from an external company. She also announced strict disciplinary measures against all who had disregarded the EY Global Code of Conduct miss.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 14.12.2018, 15:50 PM