“Tareq Taylor – the whole dinner on a plate”

“Recipe – simple and quick dinners to everyday life and celebration”

“salmon kebabs with teriyaki, löjromspizza and nachotallrik. The demand for simple and tasty recipes was chef Tareq Taylor to create the cookbook of Food on a plate. n– It’s not really faster, but the food takes care of itself in the oven and you have time for another, ” says Tareq Taylor.”

“Tareq Taylor, a chef, tv personality and cookbook author. Up to date with the cookbook Everything on a plate.”

“How did you come about the idea to make a cookbook with all the food on a plate?”

“I got so many requests for simple and quick cooking. Many parents asked for a cookbook to give to the children who have moved from home so that they would be able to cook your own food and eat properly.”

“What is it that is so good with everything on a plate?”

“– It’s not really that the food will be ready faster. Preparing and prepare the food and then up at the plate and in the oven. And then manage it yourself. You have time for other things while the food gets ready. The oven is also very forgiving. It frees us also from the knowledge requirement. Do you happen to run the food ten minutes extra in the oven so make it usually not so much. The vegetables wither together a bit more but the taste is just as good, if not better. And it becomes very much less drive!”

“You say that you get to eat all the just laws.”

“I think of my body and on my health. What we eat affects us so much. When I travel a lot so I notice that I feel worse of all the food I eat then. A few years ago I was sick and had body aches, my hands krampade of the night, and I found it difficult to grab the gear in the kitchen. I got medicine against osteoarthritis, but it didn’t help. “

“I put on the diet with three simple words; Do it yourself. I have tried many diets but never manage to keep them. As a chef, it is also difficult not to eat such as carbohydrates. So I chose to cook everything myself as I ate. I could not do it so I went to the restaurants where the food was cooked in a good way. After six weeks, all the aches away. The energy was back and I was not completely exhausted at nine o’clock in the evening. I did a test and ate fast food and worse food for two weeks again, and this time was aches back.”

“But if you use the three small words ”Do it yourself” and allows himself to eat everything so it will be good by itself. Should you eat the candy, yes, then you produce it yourself and then it will automatically make you eat it more often but the enjoyment is all the greater.”

“It is my mission to get people to understand that the solution is not a diet but a healthy approach to food and where it comes from. And if you apply it on to do it all yourself so it becomes all the more enjoyable. There is another way to consider their energy intake. You should be able to afford the luxury, then enjoying it all the more. You have the basic platform so you can take the opportunity to sin, it is just good. Renlevnad is just counterproductive.”

“What sin you are with?”

“– I love pastries! Budapestrulle, mariabullar, napoleonbakelser, princess cake and coconut balls. I love the coconut balls. Soon will semlorna, I usually go up 3-4 kilos during the semmelperioden, but it is worth it.”

“What are you cooking at any time, if you come home late after work?”

“Omelet. Absolute omelet. Eggs are a really speedy Gonzales right. I do a kylskåpsrensning and fill it with what I find. Salami, sat, garlic, herbs, it depends on what’s available back home. But it is ideal to use the remains of the omelet.”

“are you Planning to have a new right on christmas this year?”

“No, we are so extremely traditional in our family. I do ribbenstek, a Danish classic, with red cabbage and apples. Mother-in-law makes the herring. On boxing day we celebrate an English christmas with turkey and christmas pudding. The remains of kalkonmiddagen we make ”bubble and squeak”, it’s a bit bubbly in the stomach of the brussels sprouts…”

“What is the favourite at christmas?”

“the thing is, I love the ribbensteken, or no, I love herring. Fixed the turkey is delicious – and christmas pudding. Nah, it was too hard.”

“What do you have going on now?”

“” I have just started up an online restaurant for private individuals, the Food e clear, mainly elderly people, who are dependent on food from outside, but also families with children who do not have the time with the cooking. We cook fresh food from scratch every day. There should not be any full – or semi-finished products, and we do to and with the broths and the funds themselves. We have been a supplier to deliver the salted pork without nitrite. It goes good, we hope to establish ourselves across the country.”

“Will there be any continuation of trädgårdstider?”

” Oh yes, recorded and finished. It is a new place not so far from the old one. Completely untouched.”

“do you See any trends in cooking right now?”

” No, actually not. I wish we get some more trends in the grocery stores where the laws of the dishes of the goods in respect of which the date is to go out for example. A progressive pricing, and a clear circular remember to minsak food wastage.”

“What do you think about insektsmaten?”

” I do not believe in insektsmaten. Possibly if you can convert protein to other products such as sausages. But how would you market it, contains 64 per cent of the insects? Lower case you have probably a bit difficult for it. It would probably work better if, perhaps, you did feed.”

“Salmon on a skewer × 3 with pickled vegetables”

“”Teriyakilaxen will be extra good if you mix the pickled böngroddarna with a bit of wakame-algae. Do you want to make it even easier, ugnsbaka then a whole salmon fillet with the skin left, but with any of the flavourings.””

“”The picture you see both the flavourings filled in each of the two korvhalva, but of course it is good to just do one of them. The family’s new favorite dish?””

“Pizza bianco with caviar”

“”Pizza with caviar is luxury, luxury, luxury! You rarely think to serve champagne to pizza, but here it fits really perfect with a glass of bubbles!””

“Nachos with cheese, avocado and corn”

“”Nothing other than pure relaxation at villa källhagen – and how good that time! Faith for anything in the world that it becomes something over.””

“Helbakad celeriac with garlic butter”

“”don’t Be alarmed by the color of the butter – I promise it is super good! Fermented garlic or black garlic, you will find in well-stocked grocery stores.nVitlöken not only gives color to the butter, but also a taste of balsamic vinegar.””

“Tareqs 3 best tips to get the plate clean:”