finance minister Siv Jensen concerned about norwegians ‘ increasing borrowing. If the current development continues, can forbruksgjelden also threaten financial stability, ” says the Frp leader. We in The Greens think the situation a long time ago is come out of control. Leveraged overspending is a sign of disease.

Arild Hermstad. Show more

People buy things they don’t need, with money they don’t have to impress people they don’t like, writes Clive Hamilton in his book, “The growth fetish”. The successful facades are made up, and as a society underestimating we forbrukets negative effects. The individual has no other choice than to play with.

at the same time increases the number of inkassosaker formidable. What we see on the Luksusfellen on TV3 is just the tip of an iceberg. More and more fall outside. We talk little about child poverty in the Uk before christmas, but the truth is that the differences between those who have and have not, is most visible at this time of year. In December shopper we are 30 per cent more than the rest of the year. One of the four must julehandle on credit.

It has happened innstramminger in forbrukslånene with Jensen as finance minister, right should be right. But it is far from enough. The increase in inkassogjeld was last year at 21 percent, the greatest growth in the Nordic region. At the same time, the number of non-performing loans doubled, shows a review DN has done. It is a frightening development, and it can, and must, be stopped.

We have to take a settlement with mechanisms that make it possible to maintain a society where superficial human consumption consisting of the fact that, lounge suites and online poker and provides the status, even when it is funded by loans and credit cards with 20 percent interest.

the Concept of advent, which means waiting time, has been a climax in a shoppingbonanza. Stores is -, we need to be able to shop on Sundays, post offices burst of parcels from Black Friday, and omsetningstallet must put the record to save the economy of the country. At the same time, five of the ten men, and four of the ten women to drop this year’s christmas gifts, according to a survey conducted by Ipsos for DNB.

Great overview: Here struggling norwegians most with to pay down his debt say dinside

We need a society with less pressure and stress, and more room for the richer and better life. We can’t find ourselves in that people need to take out a loan to hang in the christmas shopping. We know that many people get money problems also get physical and mental ailments and can end up in a poverty trap.

It is unacceptable when the authorities ‘ growth target depends on that the common people are lured and tricked in order to contribute to increased consumption. It may not be a goal that we should work more to buy and then throw more. Therefore, it is a political task to protect more against gjeldsfeller.

The Green take responsibility. We will ban all digital marketing for credit card and consumer loans. Today, it is forbidden to sell loans by knocking on the doors of people. It sounds like a bad joke: It is on the web, not on the husdørene that lånehaiene operates.

Gavekalenderen is insane which leads to increased consumption Debate

We will expand care for diabetes – to include your mortgage. We will also close all the loopholes for foreign lenders and credit reference agencies. All who work with consumer loans must be required to certify that it made a thorough and solid credit rating.

the Risk of loss on consumer loans have a greater degree of to be taken of the utlånerne, the current arrangements do that state by the enforcement officer, in practice, acts as inndriver of the credit that is given on the declining basis. Last, but not least, believe The Green that banks that violate the current regulations, must be punished severely with fines and other sanctions.

A society with an emphasis on the façade and superficial values, is the opposite of what the christmas season should be about. the