Create it for a lot of stress to ask the children if they have been kind?

Yes, believe mother and PP-advisor Ellen Elisabeth Dittmann-Monsen, who this week wrote a post on NRK about that santa claus should stop to ask whether there are any good children present.

Thus blends she also together a grainy pepperkakedeig of the two discussions that really should be kept separate. On the one hand, we can discuss the pressure to be perfect, as many children and young people know of. On the other hand is the conversation about what is a nice way to behave in the face with the other.

one of the things that makes Santa claus a shape the children both look forward to meeting and are shy of, is that he is both familiar and alien, and that he sits on a certain power. Santa has gavesekken with them, but there is a dramaturgy in which, a small dirring in the air: What if he doesn’t give them up? Nevertheless, is enough most of the children in the pure with that the question of whether they have been kind, is a part of a rite of passage.

Historically, santa is a figure that came with both rewards and punishments, but in recent years, there is hardly any toddler that has experienced that this year’s gifts have been confiscated because of moral deficiencies. That there still exists a kind of password, they should answer “yes” to the question whether they have been kind, can still be a kind reminder to think on how you really have tedd on a day when a win for the children is greatest. I don’t think the little ettertanken is to damage.

For the small the of the bad conscience, that we get regularly through the whole of life, is useful and often necessary. They get us to put ourselves in others ‘ place, and take to us that what we say and do has consequences. It can hurt others, or make life harder for them. Guilt in well measured doses do that you can get the empathy for others that make more or less mistakes. To feel that one has done something one ought not to take part in a great, common humanity.

children know the feelings of guilt and shame that clenching them down, which is fatalistiske and oversized. Some may feel guilt for something they cannot affect, that the parents are in a bad mood. A guilty conscience can be applied. And where some are ashamed, ashamed of other ones too little. The rollers blithely on after to have abused or worn out surroundings. But such feelings, it is up to those surrounding the children in there daily to talk with them about. Small, moral challenges is something one must get used to be able to handle. Santa’s questions is not the last such kids are going to get.

Education in these matters can not be pushed away even if today’s children experience a lot of the seems is demanding. In many cases, it is not easy to see what is the best thing to do. But evenly over, it is now better to be thoughtful than to be selfish, to take into account the other, rather than ture, and to recognize the pluck when one is confronted with this, one of the things that makes people kinder.

Desired wanting to protect children should not be so strong that they are protected against the feeling of having come up short sometimes, that they could have acted wiser and kinder. Thought about what kind of adults we would have been, can scare the christmas spirit out of some each.