Consumer, You may have noticed: the unit price for electricity and natural gas differs from region to region. Depending on where you live is the same consumption is therefore not identical with an identical price. But what determines that regional difference and in which Flemish capital of the province, you pay the least? We sought it out for you. Energy bill under the microscope

The price for electricity and gas consists of several components. The energy costs depend on the supplier. You can price your own influence by actively looking to go to the cheapest provider for your specific living situation. The charges are the same for all suppliers, and intended for the federal and regional government.

Tariffs vary with each operator

Where your place of residence makes a difference, is in the field of network tariffs: the transmission rate for the transport of electricity on high-voltage grid of Elia and the transport of natural gas over the hogedruknetwerk of Fluxys. The distributienettarieven include, in their turn, the transport of electricity and natural gas to your home, the creation and maintenance of pipes and cables, and service obligations. The amount varies from network operator to network operator. Who your network administrator is, depends on your place of residence. On 5 december, we conducted our data in in this online hundred, to ascertain in which the capital of the province (and Brussels) are you currently the very least pay for your energy use.

Electricity: Brussels cheapest

We went out of the average annual consumption for electricity generation of 3,500 kWh (two meters: 1,600 kWh day and 1,900 kWh night). Our fictitious house does not have solar panels. We had all ongoing promotions are excluded.