“So do you charge your phone at best”

“Charge your mobile on the best way.”

“When, where and how do I download the mobile phone best?nSnacket go!nthere is plenty of advice and myths.nMen so this is how you charge your mobile best.”

“Few things can be as stressframkallande as a mobile phone with a little battery. Few things are as surrounded by myths and rumors that how to should recharge its mobilbatteri.”

“Here comes the seven practical advice to how you should charge your cell phone.”

“1) Not constantly 100 percent,”

“Avoid having the battery constantly charged at 100%. At 100 percent keeps the battery high cell voltage, which increases the risk of reactions that damages the electrolyte. It can lead to shorter battery life and faster discharge.”

“lithium-ion batteries are happiest between 20 and 90% charge.”

“Take with you the charger so you can charge your mobile phone gradually in short periods rather than long, hefty charges.”

“3) does not Need to be loaded from the”

“mobile Phones do not need to be fully discharged. Otherwise, a widespread myth with a background in nickel-cadmium batteries with memory effect which previously existed in almost all of the portable equipment. Containing cadmium is prohibited in consumer products.”

“Modern lithium ion batteries, now used in all modern mobiles, laptops and Ipads, works differently. Lack of memory effect and do not need to be discharged.”

“4) the Right temperature – not in your pocket”

“the Temperature has a large effect on litiumjonbatteriets life. Avoid storing the cell at 37 degrees – in the pocket. The battery is better at 25 degrees or at room temperature.”

“Even worse is, of course, to leave the cell phone in the sun or in a hot car.”

“5) Not with the shell on.”

“Charge the battery in moderate temperatures. Pick of the shell before charging it keeps the battery at the right temperature and the service life is extended. “

“Best for battery durability is to load shorter with regular intervals and not reach the toppladdning so often. So let your phone rest over night – good thing too, considering the risk of fire.”

“7) Turn off the phone.”

“the Phone feel good breaks. You can extend the battery life by turning it off every now and then.”

“Source: KTH, Battery University, SVT”