“Finally comes the stories of solitude,”

“Anna Andersson a shame that may start to drop.”

“This is a kulturartikel which is a part of Aftonbladet’s opinionsjournalistik.”

“For a few weeks then wrote Madeleine Levy an essay in Svenska dagbladet (24u002F11) about how she in the midst of the most intense småbarnslivet experienced a loneliness. Friends, colleagues, students – all the deeper relationships she had before the kids went on the back burner; a necessity in order to cope but it resulted in a feeling of isolation.”

“There was no polemically in the text, it was rather applicant, turned and twisted at the question. Nor was it anything new, as Levy himself noted, there are more who have written about the paradox in that on the one hand, having small children out on the skin and on the other hand, have to feel alone. “

“But Levy got the answer, by Linda Skugge (Expressen 26u002F11) and by Malin Wollin (Aftonbladet 29u002F11). Skugge wrote that the child still was much better company than the adults, Wollin that the Levy will miss the time which is now and that there are no calls in the world can replace it.”

“I have the greatest respect for Skugge and Wollin, and don’t doubt for a second that what they write is absolutely true – for them. But why were they forced to at all answer Levy?”

“Before I continue, I must lay the cards on the table about my hopeless position here: I myself am childless. I know that I will not always be believed when I say that it is not a sadness but it’s okay. ”You don’t know what you are missing out on.” No, exactly.”

“But, my infertility has made me feel alone in certain contexts, as when only women hang out and assumes that the family is the smallest common denominator. That feeling when as well as closing ranks around the motherhood.”

“It is not a big problem, I have the other communities. But loneliness can come in many forms, it need not be an old uncle who is and dies without anyone noticing.”

“On SVT Play, you can see the journalist Andrev Walden short film Mansfällan – can Andrev get a friend? where he realizes that he needs a socializing outside the family and tries to become friend with a guy called Klas.”

“In Nuckan writing Malin Lindroth about his life as a single – it is not odd to live alone in Sweden today, but what makes her book courageous is that she says it for her is involuntary. She want to live with anyone, but it has not been.”

“It would not occur to me to respond to her with that list all the advantages of living alone.”

“It can’t be otherwise than good to the loneliness starts to talk about itself, how it looks. The who does not recognize himself, after all, can only listen. Others may feel a little less alone with their loneliness.”